Monday, October 4, 2010


i forget about you guys and for that im sorry... i had some stuff to post 
most are about movies.... 
me luckily hopefully getting a new computer....
me and kiras wedding
anime and manga im currently into....

but none of that seemed important.... other than i wanted a book lately called Go Ask Alice. idk why i want to read it... it's such a terrible story of a drug addict girl who at who point gets clean then ends up being tricked into well forced into it raped and then gets home with her family only to Overdose. yea very sad story major reason why i satid away from drugs...
oh also my elder sister got pissed at SINE cuz she removed them as friends on facebook... she kept asking me "why why did she delete me as a friend?" and all i could say is "cuz you was never her friend she kept you all around to bother me and when she heard a was really gettin married or that i just dont care anymore she removed you.... "
my sis spent a good hour looking for her on facebook then got the number from my little sister so she could call her and cuss her out... then she had a moment when i guess god called her and she left it alone... idk if she did anything more once she left but i thought that was worth blogging...

oh and one other thing for you SINE
i just wanted to thank you... cuz i know what real love is now... it's warm and gentle and innocent. it's worthwhile and pure, and it knows hittings never right and abuse is wrong and sex never solves fights but kissing and talking does.... thats why Kira took me away from you that nite she called me...

other than that kiddos


Thursday, September 9, 2010

my nets been down...

so my nets been down and there has been some things going on that yea... made me not wanna write but here i am in my cold ass living room writing to you guys....
either way seen a few good movies as of late had a cookout last sunday
and will be seeing Resident evil 3d....
and thanks to that damn holiday monday i should be gettin my spider-man shattered dimension tomorrow along with Cox coming to set up my net THANK GOD... oh and FUCK VERIZON!!!!!!
i hate them now...

anyway Later Days

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Heart to heart

We talked and then we made love for the first time in a long time.... It was amazing and I mean we did it twice we talked during telling each other how much we love and want each other... I am happy and also very sleepy for once...


Friday, August 20, 2010

A Few Changes Made

Opening wallpaper
Music Added
Opening Quote

things added
Top Playlist Songs

um thats about it
Let me know what you think

Might be seeing Vampires Suck Saturday i'll let you know
Either way

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Girlfriend problems....•sigh•

So kira told me how I'm way too touchy feely and lovey dovey with her that she loves it but it's overwhelming for her... I guess I can understand that sinces her only other ral relationship was with a closet lesbian.... Also that Immature when with my brothers out in public... But that's who I am with them I'm the clown I've always been... So now I can't even be myself around them... Which kinda sucks cuz I've always let her be herself... But it's watever I'll change for her even if we aren't having sex anymore.... I love her so much sometimes I tell her I'm not do anything when really I'm alone crying cuz fear she'll leave me for some mobile guy or girl.... God I hate feeling this way over a person...

Maybe I'll hang myself


Monday, August 16, 2010

Amazingly WTF?!?!?!

so wtf???
how come you can really get upset that i dont want to be all lovey dovey when we barely have sex... i dont want to kiss every 3-5 minutes knowing that i wont get any after being turned on... i was satisfied with we(i take that back).... i did for you friday before sex... i didnt want it but you just had to tease me until you got it.... and no im not going to cheat on you i mean i could if i wanted i could have been cheated.... but you wont even sleep with me after you put in the time and effort into turning me on.... or after telling me that Maybe and gettin up set i say "oh yea thats a major No"
i just dont get your way of thinking... there is no such thing as non physical relationship... we had 6-7 years to get the emotional down... we got that..
but it's okay cuz i dont want to do it anymore... i just dont....

you Evil foul mouth little slut.... SINE... i dont know why but i still hate you and i want you to stay away from my family... just cuz i hate them doesnt mean you get to have them.......

i might make some changes to the Blog Page over the next couple of day... IDK what yet but yea.. music will change again well i'll add more to it... if you got the time take a break and listen to it..

anyway tired of being angry....

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Movies....Games and Movies

So lately ive been playing borderlands and blazblue....
(yes it is a review again X3 sucks for you innit)
so yea i know Borderlands been out for awhile but hey everyone wanted to play it.... everyone being Kira and my Brothers X3
so Borderlands happens to be one of the better games last year and so it's one of the few people are still playing now with its new DLC coming out soon...Zombies Claptraps is all i know.. rumor most likely tho... but i doubt it...gears not known for there keepin Dlc under wraps...
Then there is BlazBlue Continuum Shift which is Epically Awesome....need i say more... to bad cuz i wont all i will say is if you like 2D fighters this is the game for you.....

Movies oh GAD MOVIES!!!!!
Now i know i said i'd review all those other movies okay.... um FUCK THEM!!!!!! the only movie you need to see is Scott Pilgrim Vs The World heres a trailer....

 and with that...
oh The Expendables was good too...

also i wanna give a shout out to
David Spates
Ray william johnson
KevJumba's JumbaFund
Wong Fu Productions
Natalie's community channel
the HSS the musical Crew
and Timothy DeLaGhetto

anyway back to my epic day!!!


Thursday, August 12, 2010

Been Busy X3

Sorry it's been awhile been sorta busy....
lots of games and Movies Ya-know...

So game wises ive been playing Borderlands and BlazBlue Continuum Shift lately Outside of the Alan Wake: the Signal Dlc when in the mood....

Movie Have Been:
Dinner For Schmucks
And The Other Guys...
All was very good but Other guys Could have been funny(it was just okay)... starting to wish i did see Step Up 3d tho... guess i'll have to wait *sigh*

So right Now i just waiting for next month for Spider-Man Shattered Dimensions, Halo Reach, Fallout New Vegas, Star Wars Forced Unleashed II, and Assassin Creed Brotherhoods... thats alot of games in over the Next 2 months...
How will i ever write all those reviews... well i'll just do them as i go i guess... tomorrow after i wake up i might write the BlazBlue CS Review... not too sure depends on how i feel...

Either Way heres the comment Question of the Day and it's From
"HOLY SHIT!!!! Do You Even Understand Words?
 So Do you even Understand Words

Leave you Comments or Questions

Thursday, July 29, 2010

thinking back... current life news

A while back my friend Viper posted a letter on his facebook... and all that made me think of the times where i wanted to tell Kira how i still love her and the fun little dates we use to go on when she was still with her Ex Gf.... and it made me think.... if i would have just told her sooner.." Kira i still love you" i wouldnt be here now... i wouldnt be sick... i'd be next to her in our bed... i wouldnt be crippled and be able to drive her somewhere fancy for dinner... that what i had planned for Valentines day this year before all this...

but now i'm stuck alone during the week surviving off of weekend visits gamefly, saturday movie outings, and hanging with my brother and his wife... yea i said it wife... when all i have is anime and IM Facebook and texting to keep me social...

i do take the rare walk alone but idk if i should anymore... cuz i always want to sit by the river but there arent any benches and the ducks and geese are pretty hardcore...

onemanga is getting shut down which is a total ball smash... i swear the whole lot of japanese mangaka are bloody wankers.... in japan your manga cost about the price of a comic here in the states some one scans the translates them for us yankees to read and you get mad because your true fans dont want to want 6 months to a year to catch up... you lot are hobbknockers thats for true....

Doctor Who that comes on during the week started over with the 9th Doctor... tho not a major fan of Rose with the 10th she's not to annoying with the 9th.... and the Series starting the 11th just had it season final ep... so nothing like that to watch for awhile....

other than that i want to cut my leg off... and also im sleepy...

wait one more.... Song is a Swampdonkey

you Blokes

Friday, July 23, 2010

Dear Troll Letters....

so i'm on Facebook and i see this friend of mine and he has this status...

Dear Asian girl....
You've Completely ruined my best friend... so to you i will say this... your clit looks like a tiny penis, and your pussy looks like you can be pulled apart and used as wings to fly with cuz they're so weird looking....
i was traumatized by your sloppy vagina

AND I WAS SO WEAK! i could even get dressed....
so i go to check out the vids he posted that day.... come to find out he's been doing it all day that day and has decide to make it a series called Dear Troll

the one before that was for his Ex

Dear Ex
I'm sorry I hooked up with another girl not even 12 hours after we broke up... But the fact of the matter is you was a bitch and an embarrassment... I'm glad your happy now and everything is working out for you... But I'm also sorry those pics you sent me got leaked all over 4 chan...
Not really sorry at all

funny thing is people actually went looking on 4chan on it and i called him and he said he wanted to but didnt he may but not right now..... says he has hundreds of them tho....

but the one that got him started was this one

Dear Noob...
I am Sorry for Killing you 4 times with a head shot... im also sorry for the fact that during all this i took frames and will post them online later along with your gamertag... but to make it up to you i will continue to skull fuck your body 2 sec after i killed you next
truely yours

not as funny as the other ones but still pretty good.... either way i'll keep you guys updated on the funniest ones and...
i guess i'll

Friday, July 9, 2010


okay now normally we all love Skirts. as a guy i dont plan on wearing one... so why bring it up???
In Japan the newest trend among men are SKIRTS. Yes i said it Skirts... story from Sankaku Complex
but the gist of the story in currently in japan Young Men Wear Skirts out in PUBLIC!!!! what the HELL!!! that is a young man in the image above but really why... your not Scottish, so cut that Gay shit out... well unless your gay then do whatever the hell you want. but to the straight guys in the Words of Kevin Hart "HEY THATS GAY CUT THAT OUT!!!"

Facebook spreads STDs-Sankaku Complex FB STD story
now in this story there is a claim that facebook being the networking site it is has started spreading syphilis... now i've read the story up and down... and the only thing i can think of is.... wow what dumbass sleeps around without getting tested or wearing protection!?!?!?
now the test results are only in england right now( we all know how freaky those britts can be X3) but basically the Teeside area had a major boost in Syphilis due to casual sex linked to facebook...
only thing i can say it.... Facebook didnt give you Syphilis that trashy girl or guy you decided to Fuck that semi warm British night gave it to you.... thats like Walking in to a pre-heated oven dick/clit first your just begging to be burned... now i can make jokes all day but the funniest thing i can do is Quote Facebook response 

“The assertion that Facebook is responsible for the transmission of syphilis is ridiculous. Facebook is no more responsible for STD transmission than newspapers responsible for bad vision.”
but thats not all they then proceed to say
“As Facebook’s more than 400 million users know, our website is not a place to meet people for casual sex – it’s a place for friends, family and co-workers to connect and share.
WOW Facebook is funny..
but they redeemed themselves with this

Facebook used as a way to Contact the Police Sankaku story link
 so a 10 and 12, became lost down a storm drain in the Australian city of Adelaide... i know sounds like a bad joke, but for some they get trapped in a storm drain with WORKING PHONES... WTF is this 24????
now i know when im trapped i update my facebook with my dying words... okay no more jokes...
so someone saw these and really called the police or 000(their version of 911) and the fire dept went to their rescue... now in the story there is no say of what the parents was doing... maybe they was out fighting demonic nazis or something i dont know but WTF could they have been doing that let 2 kids  play in storm drains... normally parents let kids play out in the streets not storm drains, and dont Australia has some of the world most dangerous creatures.... yea... um gonna leave that one alone...

okay last story lol

LIVE ACTION RUROUNI KENSHIN!!! Sankaku Complex story
now if your a fan of Anime or Manga hell even japanese culture in general you know Samurai X, HITOKIRI BATTOSAI Himura Kenshin... the Best Swordsman ever... well Animated anyway
and they already have an Actor!!! YES!!!! named Takeru Satoh.(image Right ====>)
 now personally the guy looks like Himura Kenji. Kenshin's son which is cool cuz the only difference between them is hair colour... with this in the works WHO WOULDNT SEE IT... i waited WEEKS to watch the live Action of DORORO X3

hmmm maybe they will start a new Rurouni Series... i can see it now Rurouni Kenji X3
or Rurouni Yahiko X3

Okay i gotta go Surf NINJAS is on...

Tuesday, July 6, 2010


So this show is call HighSchool of the Dead.... and it is AWESOME... it's got BOOBIES, Zombies, Pantsu, blood splatered BOOBIES and PANCHIRA!!!!! and BOOBIES REALLY BIG BOOBIES and most of all ZOMBIES, and BOOBIES!!!!!!!
 the original trio

here is some picture and it you want to download it at Anime-Access to watch it or read the manga at 1000Manga...X3 ENJOY!!!

(big fan of Saeko.. Samurai Girls are SEXY!!!!)

Kill the Zombie Horde and

Friday, July 2, 2010


I mean it's no Harry Potter, but still it's great I say all of you go see it. I feel bad for the Tanner girl *SPOOLIER* but either way it is awesome and I'd give it a ***** stars X3. I won't say anything for the the ppl that haven't seen it tho....

Also new friend request!!!!
And his name is C. Spanner ( lol running out of false names X3 thank you hitman reborn!!!) and he's the little brother of Larissa which is cool. he's pretty awesome also a gamer... He plays WoW and some other MMOS. I like him and just like others his age he need guidance... Besides I like being like Uncle Iroh from the last AirBenders. HEHEHEH I'M WISE BEYOND MY YEARS!! GOD I'm old
(; ̄O ̄).....


Girls and their toes

Girls and their toes
Okay guys I'm at the movies again to see eclipse and since it's that time of the year girls are breaking out the flip flops and the sandals.
Now to the girls with cute toes that look good that are fine ass FUCK WITH THAT NICE ASS WITH THEM SWEET ASS TITTIES!!! I need you to call my friend Viper like NOW!!!
Speaking of Viper he and his ex Sharon are getting close again I swear Viper is J.D. and Sharon is Elliot from scrubs tho I get to be Turk and Kira Carla so it's all good....
Gonna go movie starting


Tuesday, June 29, 2010

B.o.B - Airplanes ft. Hayley Williams of Paramore [Official Music Video]

i love this song... i was listening to it before everyone started using it as a facebook status which really pissed me off....

Also Hayley Williams is DAMNIT FINE!!!!!!

So Comment Question of the Day!!!
What Would You Wish for???

Until then i'll

Monday, June 28, 2010

Belle Vs Raffaelli

Belle and Raffaelli
they've been in two movies together but who is the best
~Belle Vs Raffaelli~

leave your comment below

Keep On Swinging

Sunday, June 27, 2010

What to do

Okay so if you know anything it's that I can't sleep even tho I want to. I sitting up drinking hard lemonade like it's spiked it really just lemonade that I added way to much lemon to... But I can't help it Kira ribs hurt so I can't really cuddle and now that we're having sex again it doesn't help it's her time. That and the 3 hour comfort nap cuz I can't sleep when she isn't here unless I force myself... Idk what wrong with me...
My little sister ayane friend Shinn Han is changing into a woman and I think it's cute to she this change from a hardcore street girl to sometime different...
And right now I worry cuz Kira going to leave for boot camp and I worry what will happen to me... No one really takes care of me since I'm stuck inside and I can't really work... When she goes who is going to make sure I eat, keep me from being stuck inside all the time, hold me those nits when I need someone to be there.... Maybe I should kill myself or stop eating.... I don't think I can make it here alone without Kira I need her way to much and it that reason why I can't do without her.... Just thinking about this makes me want to die....

God why do you hate me...
I guess I'll take another drink and

Friday, June 25, 2010


this is Tensa... and he is Sweet... this is EPIC!!! i mean i knew he'd change but to go from Old Man Zangetsu to Young Tensa.... EPIC!!!!

Keep On Swinging

Gorillaz - On Melancholy Hill (HD)

this has to be the sweetest Gorrilaz Vid ever!!!

Thursday, June 24, 2010

No Love

so woke up and spent sometime on itunes and bought Eminem's new Album after a review from a friends status about how good it is... K.P. (maybe we should give K.P. a Name???) or Tyler X333 wow LMFAO... so um Tyler said the Em Album Recovery had this Bomb ass song called "No Love" which should be the Break up song of the year!!!!!

the Album is pretty bad ass reminds me a lot of his older stuff but clean in a way... personally i love the song "25 to life" as where No loves is sayin im i dont know why i let you trap me.... 25 to life is sayin im done chasing you i can't do this anymore and now im free of you finally...


and speaking of SINE or whatever i named her( i personally dont care anymore) i've think i've moved on... i only think of her when Viper brings up Song... and Viper finally got M.L.A.G. number and her name is Kairi Sweet huh i think so too.... other than that...


Larissa X3 im sure are reading my blog you'll know it's Me X3 just dont say anything about who i am... i can block family on facebook i cant on this blog...

either way Larissa is a Young girl gamer i made friends with on facebook Thru Tyler, she's pretty cool.

and my Purple Ninja Apprentice Bf seems nice i hope she is happy with him...


Sunday, June 20, 2010

Like i thought

So as I thought we have yet to have sex.... She threw me sex the other nite while I was asleep. I went to bed early cuz I saw no real reason to be awake. But today we went out had a great day an when we get home what happens GAIA HAPPENS!!!! I fucking hate that site!!! I played this mmorpg Saturday morning and you know what she said " I'm bored". So I got off and took a nap let her On so she can do all her online things. So now I'm like fuck it readers. Okay so would won't have sex fine I'm okay with that I love her I am cool with it.... But I will not be second banana to Gaia.

I guess I'mma just

Friday, June 18, 2010


so i am completely weak cuz of what you ask.... this video...

you cant watch this and not laugh it is the funniest thing ive seen all day!!!
anyway i'll actually write something soon that means something

Keep On Swinging

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Quality of life

My quality of life is shot to hell... right now i'd gladly have cancer and dying from it than not be able to run... it sucks cuz im stuck inside all day watching ppl enjoy they're lives, and i can't even do a cartwheel. and it kills me inside.... it kills me to the point that i dont know what to do with myself sometimes, i mostly contemplate killing myself. thats how bad it gets... i try not to, but sometimes i really want to...

i can barely walk on my own sometimes....
i can't stand for more than 5 maybe 10 minutes...
oh im also gettin fat... which sucks cuz i use to be so active which is why i think my gf isnt attracted to me anymore....
and becuz i have all this energy and nothing to do i'm constantly horny and my gf Kira doesn't like to have sex with cuz apparently i want it all the time....
it takes forever to fall asleep like right now it's 3 am and i want to sleep but what have i really done during the day that uses energy....

idk what i should do... i could commit suicide but then i'll go to hell Kira would be pissed and then my little brothers would have no one to talk to...

its thursday and im wide awake with nothing to do, i could workout but why when i'll need get down that 540 layover, become a pro bboy, do parkour, or be able to wiggle my toes in sand.... i wont even be able to chase my kids if my foot doesnt heal all the way...

I just dont KNOW what to do with myself.....

either way =3=

Just Try and

Monday, June 14, 2010


so i just found out my girlfriend Kira doesnt like to have sex with me anymore... and it hurt like hell to find that out... she's recently been acting like its a chore and it gotten less and less like one weekend we just didnt do it.. i want to be understanding but how did this happen we went from like pretty much everyday to like 3 maybe 4 times a month... *sigh* it's just great to know this now...


True Blood and The Boondocks

so tonite was the start up of Season 3 of True Blood, and as Always it was it was AWESOME! okay now im not gay, im not into guys at all. but to me the FUNNIEST SCENE Bill and Sam Shower together(not seen tho).
Bill "I'll take that shower now.. unless you care to join me"
Sam "yeah... i think i would"
Bill"good well have a nice time. i hear the water in Arkansas is VERY HARD....Come"
*phone rings*
Bill "no don't answer that."
Really WTH WTF!!!!! and FTW in this ep is the dying guy calling Jessica a fucking whore and all she can do is agree with him... but she beening to busy yelling at him to wake up he dies... karma affect vampires to... then some guy that was "playing with his own titties" spit V(vampire blood that they are getting from bill) into another guys mouth... SUPER WEIRD!!!!

then the BOONDOCKS
this wasn't no movie, the smart thing was to say yes get up and leave the room. But then i thought to myself, what if this was a movie...."look fuck you, fuck the plane you flew in on, fuck them shoes, fuck them socks with the bell on them, Fuck yo gay ass Mary Poppins accent, fuck them gay ass cigars, fuck yo yuck-mouth teeth, fuck your hairpiece, fuck your chocolate, fuck your Guy Richie, fuck Prince William, fuck the Queen. This is America my President is Black and My Lambo is Blue, Nigga. now get the fuck out my hotel room. And if i see you on the streets, i'm slappin the shit out of you."~Riley Freeman~
i was so weak i kept watching and watching over and over again... nothing was as funny as that line tonite...

other news..
my Mother really doesnt know how to talk to me and then when i points it out to her so thinks she wasnt wrong.... then when other ppl tell her yes you did yell she want to be all sorry.... i dont want to hear shit from her about it.. cuz it wasnt my fault and dont yell at me becuz of some others dumbass You spawned decided to be a WHORE and have 5 kids by 4 different guys... she's a stupid whore get over it....

either way i'll be changing the music player again soon

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Kung Fu kid

So it's movie time. So I saw the karate kid which should be called the Kung Fu kid. Other wise it was amazing... A 540 layover kick is all I'll say. Go see it I thought it was amazing!!!!

Keep on SWINGING!!!!


I think that Kira and I have gotten to that point in our relationship where we don't have sex that much. Cuz I remember we would have days off and we would just go at it all day, now it's sort like no foreplay unless she really wants to and I can't cum in her belly button anymore or anything. I barely see her until the weekend and we do it twice maybe 3 if we don't go out. I'm starting to worry if she is still finds me attractive anymore. I've been trying to find new was to spice up our sexlife and only one thing works but she has to want to read it first for it to work. It's like we're married..... Married sex life sucks..... And I mean it sucks. She's sleeping just laughing and sleepin like nothing has happened. And I know what your think no it's not just about sex but I don't do the other thing and I don't cheat so I kind want it a lot I also like Foreplay(for her) and to cuddle after... Comment question of the morning; How do you deal with going from 5-8 times a day to 2-3 times a week??

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Facebook status, MK:R, revealing myself, Ups

FB Status:
So i was on Facebook and i saw a Status that Killed me... it was a line from season 3 of TrueBlood
"Oh Jesus... Sweet Baby Jesus.... I Need Help, i need help more than i ever have.... GOD, Jesus, Mary Magdalene, Allah, Confucius, Buddha,*studders* Scientology, Aliens, That Lion from Narnia... whatever is out there i need your help now...*cries and falls to the ground* please for give me....~Jason Stackhouse~ Season 3 it was just a clip and it that was the greatest scene ever and it hasn't started yet X3"
the Status is from a reader of mine... yes i have readers where you think he Got this(X3) from? his mom HAHAHA your funny!!

Mk:R either way i thought it was funny so i ended up looking up the Video on Youtube... i could help but laugh... but then i went back to facebook and found this Mortal Kombat Rebirth Pics from the Same User(KP actually) he said he had to work for the Sub-Zero pic cuz i flashes you barely see it.....

this is the New Concept for Sub-Zero , Baraka, Scorpion, and Reptile.... Jaxs is in it played by Micheal Jai White(SWEET), and Baraka is played by    the black martial artist in The Protecter...
it seems like everyone got a remake and it have nothing to do with the Original 3 movies. WHICH IS GOOD! Cuz the last one SUCKED MAJOR ASS.... it was a dumbass movie that shouldnt have been made like the DOA movie, or any of the House of the Dead movies X3...

EWWW he's eating someones Face!!!

for Mk:R there doesn't seem to be much on it and the main Character is Scorpion not Liu Kang(FINALLY), and it looks really good. they say 2013 hopefully it's earlier.

Revealing Myself: okay i know sooner or later ppl will ask to know Who i am... and to answer that i'll say don't ask when i feel good about doing it you'll all know who i am until then just wait i'm not ready okay...

UPS: I'm currently waiting on my package, i just hope what it's for still works been a couple of months since i used it and i hope it is damaged... i have alot of things on it i need. either way i get it tomorrow and if it doesn't work i'll just have to replace the whole thing but i will have a replacement part ready if i have to X3....

outside of those topics i'll post again during the day to talk about plans for the weekend...

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

the phases of an Ex

okay now the Phases of an Ex goes like this
The Break up

now everyone knows what it's like to be in a relationship with someone heres how a the stages/phases of an Ex go...
The Break up: this is the part where either it's and agreement or someone gets hurt... sometimes it's cuz of an stupid argument or cuz someone cheated, maybe who your with is an Hitter idk, but they always end the same. the relationship is over. either take a break or move on cuz right now you can't save the relationship.

Anger/Relief: now depending if you did the breaking or got broken, someone is mad and someone isnt worried what crazy shit the person will do next. now it can be a 2 way street if you 2 agreed on breaking up save the friendship, but normally it's over something stupid and you argue or fight and break up cuz your mad... now sometimes the relationship can be saved depending on what you fight about... leaving the seat up, being too bossy/ a bitch, or never wanting to spend time, these are times you can fix to say the relationship. BUT again Normally you CANNOT AND SHOULD NOT IF THE PERSON IS ABUSIVE, BOSSY, A SERIAL CHEATER, A SERIAL LIER, and my advice to you is GET OUT NOW RUN AS FAST AS YOU CAN AND DATE SOMEONE NEW!!!!!! I'M OUT OF SHAWSHANK I'M FREE MOTHERFUCKER!!!!! X3

Sickening: the next phase once you've gotten over the whole break up next is Sickening, your Not mad anymore but you can't just stand the Sight or thought of them yet. thats pretty much it the thought of them makes you want to throw up... sometimes you don't get this phase... sometime you can never get past it, but all the same you really want to get past this.

Freezing: this phase is where you've more or less gotten to the point where you don't answer or think about anymore. anything you learn about them you think is sorta funny cuz ppl tell you and you don't care or you  ignore it cuz you don't want to deal with it anymore. a lot of ppl normally stay here cuz it may have ended badly or you can't get your answers and because of that you just don't ever want to deal with them...

Healthy: this is when you can move on and your ex can't affect you anymore you can have an healthy relationship with someone and they know that it's okay... now sometimes you can skip the rest and get here if you meet someone amazing (KIRA for me) and you just do even think about your ex... this can be the last Phase but depending on how your relationship ended there can be one more....
and it is... 

Closure: this is the last Phase and the Most Important cuz when your over your ex and everything is good lets say you two have become friends again and are talking. you want answer on what went wrong or they may want those answers.... if it's safe ask you may get them, or if you feel it's okay to tell them... sometime answers are all we need... so you get or give them and it's over 

the Ex Effect is over for you.... and you can safely move on...
i on the other hand am at Healthy with a Side of FREEZING cuz i just don't care and i'm very happy with who i'm with... i don't want answers cuz i found them out on my own, and i don't want to be friends with Sine.  so the World is Right Again and i can't wait for Friday!!!!!!!! KIRA DAY AND THE LAST AIRBENDER 3D YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! X3



Monday, June 7, 2010

Kira and I

i met my gf(Kira) when she was 15 and i was 18... she was so sweet and innocent that most of our dates back then was us sitting at the beach we rarely did more than that. one day she told me we couldnt date anymore because i was to old for her. we broke up and i ended up dating other girls and so did she. nothing good came from these relationships we both was in. i moved from Va to Az and then Seattle and her from Va to Oregon(only to have her gf break up with her) we kept in touch and one day at the end of the 6 years we remained friend after we moved back  a her friend makes her call me, and my gf at the time and i just had a fight(more or less she would hit me) and so when she heard that she told me that she still loves me and i should leave her.
i did the next day we moved in together, i decided that it was meant to be and that i would join the navy to take care of her. i found out that i had cancer and needed two major surgeries to get better. she stayed with me until i woke up and didnt leave until they said she had to... since i was in the hospital for so long in a cast i ended up getting burns on my legs and a pressure ulcer... she decided to join the air force and when i asked her why all she could say is "it cuz all you even do is try to make things better for me.... why shouldn't i try for you?"

nothing was Official at the time we was together but sorta not cuz we didnt want to let a bunch of ppl know.... then Viper was that we should just be together and so the next day we got engaged....
the moral is if we would have just said how we felt long ago no one would have ever gotten hurt...things maybe harder for us but we are happy cuz at least we want us both to be happy....

Keep on Swinging

One more then off to sleep

So m little brother stay over pretty much every weekend and I talk to them about everything.
My little sister stays here as well but we dont talk at all in fact if you know me you know I do not like her nor care about her at all. But today was a win as my brother was getting ready to go she cried.
Hey hey hey don't get all mad at me I didn't even say anyting and that's why
just that.
She cried cuz I don't talk to her.

So she told our mom she called me and when she left the room we was in she told me she cries cuz I don't talk to her....
I looked at my so called mom and said
" why talk to her when everytime I say anything to her you yell at me cuz she says I says this or that. Yes I'mma talk to a lier. Have you lost your mind!!!"
and then after that I talk to my brothers kissed Kira and went in my room and still have not said anything to her.
I say fuck them both let her cry X3
oh also my disowned older dumbass sister is mad at me cuz I blocked and removed her on facebook... All I will say to that is you shouldn't have been talking shit lil' Nigga ~Katt Williams~

Exs and why they shouldn't effect you

Okay I haven't written up here in awhile and I sorry, but to make it up to you here is some advice on Exs.

Okay now and Ex is someone you shared a past with that you don't anymore. Now sometimes they end up breaking of one of two ways.
1) you two are fine with it and are just friends


2) it ended badly and no one talk to each other for awhile.

Now mind you I have more of the not talking one mostly cuz we lose contact. X3 I move a lot.
But an Ex is someone you shouldn't interact with, no matter what things they do or say. Just leave them be no point In getting caught up....
Now there is an Ex of mine let's call her Tina. We broke up badly cuz of well let's say she like or know I was trying to start as being a blog writer and I used drama to get views(I don't really do that so much anymore unless i'm mad) but I've learned she wasn't that bad if an Gf sure she was bossy and a pain got on my nerves at times but she was suportive brave and willing to help me do better in school. So Tina I doubt you'll see this and if you do you won't know it's you unless someone tells you but I'm honestly sorry and I realized you tried your best.
Now that was a phase of an Ex I call closure and It's where you don't get sick looking at them or thinking about them. It the part where you like it over and you barely think of them.

Now the other kinds of Exs that you don't talk to anymore will lead you to feel like this.
We'll call her Sine
Sine spent two yrs kicking my ass then we broke up and she kept my family they like her better than me and she also having a baby by some other guy after 5 months. This phase that I'm in with her is the Ex factor I call freezing. I call it that because no matter what you know about her life it CANNOT bother you or you you will not get to the phase I call healthy.
Healthy is the phase where you can date someone new before closure and know your alright and the Ex mean basically nothing. But with Sine I doubt I'll get there cuz you never really get to closure with and Ex after they abused you X3.

But sometimes you can, and really sometime you can skip all the phases and fall madly in love with someone and get to healthy.

Either way Exs are apart of life that we all must get over.
And I will say this to you Sine for Kira since she never would herself "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA DUMBASS!"

I'll post the blog on the phases later I wrote them in a book and then forgot all about it X3

keep on swinging

Monday, May 24, 2010

been awhile P.O.P/ Alan Wake review

1st Prince Of Persia

okay before i write this review, this is for you dumb asses out there.
this game will not and does not have anything to do with the movie. there is in fact no dagger of time and the only thing brought up about the first game is how he is always being bossed around by women(Farrah).
now that, that is out of the way.
i a major P.O.P. fan even remembering how i got my hands on the Sand of time for Xbox. felt that it was great tho it could have been better alot of things was taken out that i felt was perfect and carried on from the S.O.T. to W.W. like the Wall Climb flip attack easily one of prince's better move set gone. Tho i did love the new attack set when jumping on someone i greatly missed the wall climb flip attack. his new powers where different these power not all dealing with time but with the elements was indeed awesome. nothing like jumping enemy to enemy and lighting them on fire, and the swarm of enemy's attacking really made it fell like he was back in India again up to the same old tricks. they even had a same skin type for the leading lady(which was amusing  seeing how much they both bossed him around) tho personal favorite the Hurricane power when maxed out. i thought the game was amazing inside and out. i had my doubts when i saw the review and it got an 8 only after being compared to the 1st game, i decided to not hold it to the original trilogy and as what it really is a chapter that was forgotten in the sands. as a fan of all console P.O.P. line i think that the 08 prince was a perfect practice of this one and i hope they continue on with both "princes". seeing that they haven't really finished his story yet.

Alan Wake

I am LOVING THIS GAME!!! Story Gameplay use of light and darkness... at one point i thought dead bodies was swinging in the wind turns out to be just logs. only major thing with me is the game can be extremely draining. taxing on the player because if anything this is a book to vivid to escape. the little things like face sync and what not should be fixed with the download... but outside of that this is a game that should take breaks on, and it is really really good...

life Current life has been hell for me... i'll be spending the next 2 weeks alone Kira was to go to a wedding which means im trapped alone in the place BY MYSELF for 2 WHOLE FUCKING WEEKS AND I WONT GET TO CUDDLE OR SLEEP NEXT TO HER.... GREAT JUST GREAT... then the legal issues in my life... Yay... somebody shoot me...

Saturday, May 8, 2010

So I'm waitin for the movie

So I'm waitin for the movie and there's a guy and girl on the bench in
front of the one I'm going to see and it's like 2:30 right now movie
doesn't start until 3:30, I'm thinking let's make nice an it'll burn
some time for me... And as I'm waiting we talk about the new karate
kid movie which is really just a remake just in china. My brother
tells me to hold 6 seats and I'm like I can't hold six there's a lot
of ppl coming to see this movie fuck that better hope you get in fast
enough cuz I'm not holdin that many cuz they don't show up early like
we did... And as I sit here this hot chick walks by she works her I
guess and it suck cuz Viper would totally go for her (oh song totally
crush his compassion) so now we're trying to book him with any cute
girl X3 either way this is a long ass wait and my foot starting to
hurt wow the movie just ended it's 2:40 so I'm going to go hope you
like dreaming

Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man

Friday, May 7, 2010


okay... now i havent posted any new blogs as of late.... mostly cuz
i've been playing nonstop since i got it... fucked up thing is it took me 5 hours to download it... even so it's amazing, me and Shujin have been playing it.... i know he'll post pics from the site... and either way.... i will most likely randomly post from here until the 19th....

Sunday, May 2, 2010

i want control

for some reason i have no control over my mind... nothing i think about is mine to my ex, example.... i want to stop worrying about her.. but when you devote 4 or more yrs to someone it's really kinda hard... and i hate it more or less. cuz i cant get her out of my head and i now she knows to cuz she shows she flaunts it in my face that i either meant nothing or i am nothing... she just treated me so wrong and i hate it cuz i have some many questions and no answers... NONE... mostly cuz i dont wish to talk to her... i mean i could but why interfere in her new life that possibly isnt full of lies.

im not saying Kira isnt a good Gf she's great everything is amazing, yet i just know that i could have at least saved what little friendship we had... and i just did what my ex did and pushed her away... im a lunkhead... Kira is the greatest thing to happen to me and here i am worried about some ABUSIVE FETAL MURDERER....

sadly i do not regret that she didnt have our child in fact i see it as a blessing... i would have regretted letting my Ex bring a child into this world when we cant even get along... here she as a mother cant tell the truth...

i just hope if she is having this new guys baby that at least they get along well cuz i see him leaving her cuz she fucked around and got pregnant AFTER 3-4 MONTHS....

other than that... id love to have a baby with Kira... i already know she'd be a loving mother... X3 Yay!!! *Kisses Kira* ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥♥ ♥ ♥ *whips out the Master Sword* Bring it BITCH!!!

Saturday, May 1, 2010

A nightmare on ELM St

(Original Images are First Remakes Second)

       So today me, Kira, Riku, Asuka J, saw The new Freddy movie.... and it was Awesome. scary in the right places... sadly we sat behind a bunch of fat fucking black bitches who talked on the phone texted and facebooked while watching the movie... not only did they take the seat i was using to put my foot up(cuz my foot will not only swell up but will give me lots of pain in the process) they pretty much was the group the screams and as they jump (which was every 5-10 minutes thru out the movie) they would throw food and stuff into the air... but outside of them great movie a perfect remake....


also my Big bro Riku Gave me leg weights and a Batarange AWESOME!!!!!!

Thursday, April 29, 2010


i think this is weird but okay... Kira's friend John doesnt like me yet she continues to stay friends with him... yet my Ex was a major problem for her.... my Ex didnt even know we was together yet she wanted her out of my life... i dont like John nor do i want him in her life.... is this wrong?? how can it be that i had to stop talkin to my ex before she actually became a problem, but now that i could give a 2 shits about John it's okay for her to stay friends with him....
all of this is fucked up....

The resolution

Okay it's 5 am and I can't sleep. Okay here it is bottem line I love Kira she treats me great she loves me I love her she makes me happy.... So why can't I just forgive you and let you go you did so many awful things to me. And I tried to be your friend and you pushed me away. I beat everyone is happy that you not with me good for you. Your mother proud of you now.... Asuka J I hope your wrong cuz I don't want her back I want some fucking answers... Is it really that wrong to want to know why you did it and even when I so close to going back to you, push me and wat little friendship away.... I have my resolve now... I HATE WHO YOU ARE AND WAT YOU'VE BECOME STAY OUT OF MY LIFE FOREVER. You nothing but a ghost to me now.... And wat makes all this even funnier is not only are you having a kid by a guy you've told me meant nothing at first by after less than a yr but you have my Dumbass sister(no honor among family) on your side and you drove me to the one person that treats me better.... I hope it true love for you two cuz I am thru with you completely

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Music Player Update.... and one other thing

So im updating my Music Player so this will be the Blog where imma as you if there is any songs on my playlist that you like or dont like and why... i'm most likely going to change the opening song for when you open the page... if you dont like it i'll swith it to something else.(sorry iphone/itouch readers since we don't get flash you wont be able to hear it unless by computer)

Also ive been reading a Manga by the creator of DeathNote called Bakuman(<===Link) and it's really good. it's not a battle manga so dont get your hopes up for fighting...

+ i sent back the Strange Journey game... mostly cuz i had stopped playing it for sometime and had completely forgot i had it so i sent it back to gamefly but it's very good never seen them use that type of game format before on the ds and it really worked for them, i just happened to get Splinter cell and a few other rentals that made me forget... right now im waiting for SSFVI and Prince of Persia...

look know i know there are people that read this but this time im giving a comment question that you have to answer!
the question is:
Where has the honor gone in America today?
i remember there was a time when if you didnt like someone you just said it you didnt pretend to be they're friend and you didnt start shit just to show them up one ONLINE say that shit to their face like a MAN or WOMAN. what is it that drives this people to talk shit over the net and not to ppls faces.... maybe it's me and my time around black ppl cuz a "Nigga" would tell you straight up to yo face so you can hear  so you can talk shit back and trap you in a "Nigga Moment", but lately theses other ppl(mostly non african american) think that it's COOLER to talk your shit online. i think it's time for us to all get back to basics so we can fight face to face and i can hit you in your face when you pop off with that dumb shit...
i better go before i end up showing the black half in me...
so im either going to read the BAKUMAN or watch THE WEEKENDERS X3

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Fruit bowl boyz WTF????

just watch this and then read the part below
skip to 3 mins and 2 seconds in

and now this shit is dumb ass shit.... WTF is with the snapping?!?!?

Friday, April 23, 2010

well when i rains it pours

oh thats it....


so on my facebook today i was joking Captain Planet... and Mixed it with Highlander now everyone having fun and joking about how Captain Planet is Better and im saying Highlander is better jokingly saying im an Immortal(JOKING)

so our friend Chaz says
Chaz: what about someone with the blood of gods

Me: that aint captain planet... and Hercules was consider a king he married Deianira, daughter of King Oeneus. which in turn made him a king and that blood is inside of me....

and then John Comes out the blue saying STUPID SHIT AGAIN!!!
John: If you got Hercules blood in you why you still using a cane? haha

so i explain to John that major surgery on two parts of the human body is traumatic
so we all move on and Ignore John.
Chaz was like i win so i said i'll get him some Cookies cuz he Humors John as in where i just gave up and dont give a fuck cuz its annoying....

So Kira
Kira: I have something all guys want so I win! X3

And then John goes
John: well not all guys Kira, some are Gay, but i guess that gets evened out given the a certain number of women want it too

and it's like we get it Kira is Pretty much GAY Get over it
Me: oh god im friends with a savant....

John: your fuckin retarded, dont savant me dickhead, so carry your cockyself

(what i said)
Me:you know what josh move on... i meant wat you say is stupid but i know your smart, ya dumbass... honestly if im cocky then get a new friend i can give a fuck less... im tired of the stupid shit you post on my page you think is funny yet im suppose to think it's funny when it's insulting... everyone suppose to take the shit you say as cool but when i bust a joke im wrong.... grow up cuz if you didnt like the conversation do what i do remove yourself from it... like for real Yo Gabba Gabba that the black Citizen Kane in my eyes... saying Shut the Fuck UP Fool everytime you come on my page and then that BIG ass Lie about Troy and Mic Ann... you prank and play with everyone else but when it comes to you if it's INSULTING THEY'RE wrong... you have no common sense and thats why ppl get mad at you so damn much.... if you dont like what you see then maybe you should stay of my page and keep my name out your mouth
and then i say

Me: you want respect from me give it.... and it Idiot Savant that the Insult... saying savant mean your smart without commonsense....
(what i wanted to say)

Me:and again im moving on.... cuz again i could careless.... wait in fact i dont care at all.... and this coming from the person who had sex with a gay chick and then she went back to girls right after.... so if im cocky *LITTLE MAN* then wat are you chicken little?

i wanted to be mean but i didnt... i just pointed out how stupid he acts and if you want to be respected then give it...

Thursday, April 22, 2010

minutes to midnite

so with only minutes to midnight i get an email... and im thinking sure wat the hell lets open odd email from ppl i dont know.... and it's Yumi great... fucking great Yumi is the girl my ex would send naked pics of herself to and they would hangout doing god knows what...  and with that i deleted it.... i didnt even bother to read it... it was some msg that i got that i shouldnt have....


Saw Kick ASS last saturday and i have to say it was the best fucking movie ive seen all year!!!! Jetpack with Gatling guns WTF!!!!!! it was AWESOME I loved it!!!

this Saturday will be The Losers which looks promising, very promising....

OTHER than that.... 
im just here waiting for Kira so we can watch Supernatural cuz she missed it...

ive come to terms and i just personally dont give a fuck take it how you want....

"you couldn't beat me there if you had a leer!!!but that was personalized

(the picture is just for fun Borderlands Bitch!!!)

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Can we pretend that airplanes are like shooting stars

Can we pretend that airplanes
In the night sky
Are like shooting stars
I could really use a wish right now (wish right now) (wish right now)
Can we pretend that airplanes
In the night sky
Are like shooting stars
I could really use a wish right now

yea cuz i could use a wish or 20 right now.... 
i wish i didnt miss you Kira so much 
that i'd fear that you'll leave me cuz i'm broken 

I'd wish that we could be happy 
and nothing bad ever happened to us...
but i cant do that cuz we would appreciate each other so much

i'd wish that when i met you it was okay for us to be together...
i was with some many ppl that hurt me before we finally said fuck it

i'd wish for my to be all better
so that when we go out i can hold your hand when we walk

and most of all i wish for ppl to give up trying to hurt us
i mean honestly 

I don't even know why you bother at this point anymore.

Like give it up, it's me. I win and you lose.

Here's to the nights we felt alive...

[this is from a blog of mine when a couple of months back. i felt like sharing it cuz i sorta feel that way now]

Eh... here we go again here's another nite with Magari feeling sorry for himself....

so i decided to play an older song and i couldn't help thinking about my ex when this part came on...

Here's to the nights we felt alive
Here's to the tears you knew you'd cry
Here's to goodbye
Tomorrow's gonna come too soon

and after my Little brother gave me his password so i could make my final choice on leaving my Ex alone for good, een now i dont know if i should ever be friends with her.... but sometimes it just feels like i should even tho all she did was push me away... and i hate her for it... i really needed her she was MY BESTFRIEND  the number one person i could trust. she knew things about me that i havent told anyone and she just does me any kind of way... i figured she'd move on like we never broke up while i was in the hospital she faked like she hadn't the whole time... but by the time i realized this i was with Kira and she let me stay with her since the break up... (i doubt you'll see this but yes i stayed with Kira when i left my sisters i never went to Bouncer's and we had sex well more or less i made her cum without touching her.... do you know how hard that is!!!!) and we tried it like Jennifer and Vince Vaughn but it didnt work out just like them... so now i blog about what was us... it feels good to think about the things we use to do, but it feels better to replace them with things i do with Kira... like my favorite date with Kira was the Paramore No-Doubt concert and we stayed until the end.... and family wise i still like the dad and  brothers Kira's sister is way better than Lena, but the moms a SUPER bitch... i know with time i'll get over you completely and you'll just be that person that abused me... someone that i cant remember why i dated you... why i let good friends go over....  you'll just be that person i dated long ago... you'll never be a regret or an mistake but i grew from all this and learned, you love most always hurt you more than when it's someone you just know... and Ex you hurt me far worse than this surgery has... but Kira Loves Fixing me and she does a good job... do you realize i am nice to ppl cuz i want to be not cuz im afraid of what she'll do.... so lets forgive,and all the bad thoughts just let them Go. Cuz Got a New Bestfriend and her Name is Bunnii

Monday, April 19, 2010

Man Baby

This is for Asuka J since she says a man cant have a baby in him

Man Fetus

Growing up in Nagpur, India, Sanju Bhagat was often ridiculed for his abnormally large stomach. We all know how it is--kids can be cruel, especially when you're a man who has looked pregnant his entire life. It's kind of a horrifying irony that it was ultimately discovered he had been pregnant his entire life. Sort of.

Enjoy, ladies.

He finally did something about his situation one night when he was rushed to the hospital with shortness of breath and severe pain. When the doctors attempted to remove what they assumed was a tumor, they were mildly shocked to find... Wait, seriously?

...a partially formed fetus. Holy shit, that's like a scene from a freaking John Carpenter movie. Except like 10 times worse.

Maybe not 10 times.

One doctor's natural reaction was apparently to shake hands with the abomination, which had limbs, hair and genitalia.

But Could it Happen to Me?

Luckily, there are fewer than 90 cases of this in recorded medical history, but we still think that's about 100 too many. It's called fetus in fetu, and it basically means that Bhagat had a twin inside the womb who he absorbed like an in-vitro caged death match.

Apparently, as in this case, the parasitic fetus will sometimes feed off the host until "doctors are forced to intervene." As though having some kind of unborn demonspawn leeching off your life force from the inside wouldn't be your highest priority under any imaginable circumstance.

1st Page Number 4

I hate Ugg and Emu Boots also cassi

Also FUCK UGG BOOTS AND EMU BOOTS YOU BITCHES LOOK WEATHER COMFUSED IN THEM DUMBASS. and cassi pissed me off she's luck Viper is nice I'dda smacked you with some white gloves. X3 this is like twilight Viper and Song or the hungry chick wait maybe M.A.C. Girl will be it either way I'm team Viper X3 so imma sleep now cuz
•I should it 5 am
•imma try online with ppl tomorrow hopin our net doesn't fuck up...


So guess what I love Kira!!! She's so good to me I mean very good to me. Sometime I look at myself in the mirror or my leg if I'm wearing shorts and I hate myself and she always holds me and says she love me. It's something I've never had before, well I've had violent ass lickings from an Gf but I've never felt like shit and a Gf told me they still love me and that wat I can and cannot do does not matter to her.... She makes me feel like a person and she talks to me and we discuss things together. Sometimes it really feels like were married. I can't wait to be with her forever...

Friday, April 16, 2010


So right now it's friday. So you know what that means KICK-ASS hit the
movies today and I know what you thinking why not see it now or today.
Well that's cuz I have an outstanding tradition of seeing movies with
Riku and Asuka J. And in by doing so I get to spend time with my
brother and I get to see a movie great huh!!! Asuka J is fun to be
around she too... She's really like a sister sorta glad Riku is with her... Maybe it's me but she is really cool X3 I mean come on she got
my some BROWNIES how could she not be... Anyway I'm going to finishs
what I'm doing try and sleep tonite Kira comes tomorrow and I may get
a new cane YAY!!!

Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Killing is my business and BUSINESS IS GOOD!!!!!

So im playing Splinter Cell and watching Major Payne... and i just realized wouldnt it be funny if there was a Major Payne game X3...
im joking...
either way... lately nothing has been able to bother me...
what could it be you ask?
is it the fact i has Cookies... No well maybe
Could it be i has Ice Cream... No wait maybe
Could it Be the Fact i ate 25 wings last nite... possibly
no it's the Fact Splinter Cell Convictions Came Wednesday from GameFly and everytime anything Pisses me off i take a head shot or a sticky grenade someone in the game and it makes me feel GOOOOOD!! even more so when it pretty much like Pissing on them.
i like this game and cant wait for P.O.P. Next Month!!!!!!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Free, Weekly DLC Announced For Splinter Cell: Conviction -

i did not in no way wrote this.. im just spreading this about the world and a fan of conviction... hopefully i get to play it today!

Do you dig the hell out of Splinter Cell: Conviction? Do you love free stuff? Do you love rhetorical questions? If so, then boy are you in luck, because Ubisoft has just announced that it plans to release free downloadable content for the newly released action-stealth title every Thursday. Cool, eh?

The content will range from new weapons and skills to new maps for the game’s Deniable Ops mode. Each week will bring something different, and, best of all, it will be free (for now at least -- I’d be surprised if Ubisoft didn’t eventually offer some more substantial priced DLC, but this will do for now).

This week’s item is the MP7A1 Machine Pistol, and here are the specs:
Free, Weekly DLC Announced For Splinter Cell: Conviction

Free, Weekly DLC Announced For Splinter Cell: Conviction -