Thursday, April 22, 2010

minutes to midnite

so with only minutes to midnight i get an email... and im thinking sure wat the hell lets open odd email from ppl i dont know.... and it's Yumi great... fucking great Yumi is the girl my ex would send naked pics of herself to and they would hangout doing god knows what...  and with that i deleted it.... i didnt even bother to read it... it was some msg that i got that i shouldnt have....


Saw Kick ASS last saturday and i have to say it was the best fucking movie ive seen all year!!!! Jetpack with Gatling guns WTF!!!!!! it was AWESOME I loved it!!!

this Saturday will be The Losers which looks promising, very promising....

OTHER than that.... 
im just here waiting for Kira so we can watch Supernatural cuz she missed it...

ive come to terms and i just personally dont give a fuck take it how you want....

"you couldn't beat me there if you had a leer!!!but that was personalized

(the picture is just for fun Borderlands Bitch!!!)

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