Friday, April 23, 2010


so on my facebook today i was joking Captain Planet... and Mixed it with Highlander now everyone having fun and joking about how Captain Planet is Better and im saying Highlander is better jokingly saying im an Immortal(JOKING)

so our friend Chaz says
Chaz: what about someone with the blood of gods

Me: that aint captain planet... and Hercules was consider a king he married Deianira, daughter of King Oeneus. which in turn made him a king and that blood is inside of me....

and then John Comes out the blue saying STUPID SHIT AGAIN!!!
John: If you got Hercules blood in you why you still using a cane? haha

so i explain to John that major surgery on two parts of the human body is traumatic
so we all move on and Ignore John.
Chaz was like i win so i said i'll get him some Cookies cuz he Humors John as in where i just gave up and dont give a fuck cuz its annoying....

So Kira
Kira: I have something all guys want so I win! X3

And then John goes
John: well not all guys Kira, some are Gay, but i guess that gets evened out given the a certain number of women want it too

and it's like we get it Kira is Pretty much GAY Get over it
Me: oh god im friends with a savant....

John: your fuckin retarded, dont savant me dickhead, so carry your cockyself

(what i said)
Me:you know what josh move on... i meant wat you say is stupid but i know your smart, ya dumbass... honestly if im cocky then get a new friend i can give a fuck less... im tired of the stupid shit you post on my page you think is funny yet im suppose to think it's funny when it's insulting... everyone suppose to take the shit you say as cool but when i bust a joke im wrong.... grow up cuz if you didnt like the conversation do what i do remove yourself from it... like for real Yo Gabba Gabba that the black Citizen Kane in my eyes... saying Shut the Fuck UP Fool everytime you come on my page and then that BIG ass Lie about Troy and Mic Ann... you prank and play with everyone else but when it comes to you if it's INSULTING THEY'RE wrong... you have no common sense and thats why ppl get mad at you so damn much.... if you dont like what you see then maybe you should stay of my page and keep my name out your mouth
and then i say

Me: you want respect from me give it.... and it Idiot Savant that the Insult... saying savant mean your smart without commonsense....
(what i wanted to say)

Me:and again im moving on.... cuz again i could careless.... wait in fact i dont care at all.... and this coming from the person who had sex with a gay chick and then she went back to girls right after.... so if im cocky *LITTLE MAN* then wat are you chicken little?

i wanted to be mean but i didnt... i just pointed out how stupid he acts and if you want to be respected then give it...

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