Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Music Player Update.... and one other thing

So im updating my Music Player so this will be the Blog where imma as you if there is any songs on my playlist that you like or dont like and why... i'm most likely going to change the opening song for when you open the page... if you dont like it i'll swith it to something else.(sorry iphone/itouch readers since we don't get flash you wont be able to hear it unless by computer)

Also ive been reading a Manga by the creator of DeathNote called Bakuman(<===Link) and it's really good. it's not a battle manga so dont get your hopes up for fighting...

+ i sent back the Strange Journey game... mostly cuz i had stopped playing it for sometime and had completely forgot i had it so i sent it back to gamefly but it's very good never seen them use that type of game format before on the ds and it really worked for them, i just happened to get Splinter cell and a few other rentals that made me forget... right now im waiting for SSFVI and Prince of Persia...

look know i know there are people that read this but this time im giving a comment question that you have to answer!
the question is:
Where has the honor gone in America today?
i remember there was a time when if you didnt like someone you just said it you didnt pretend to be they're friend and you didnt start shit just to show them up one ONLINE say that shit to their face like a MAN or WOMAN. what is it that drives this people to talk shit over the net and not to ppls faces.... maybe it's me and my time around black ppl cuz a "Nigga" would tell you straight up to yo face so you can hear  so you can talk shit back and trap you in a "Nigga Moment", but lately theses other ppl(mostly non african american) think that it's COOLER to talk your shit online. i think it's time for us to all get back to basics so we can fight face to face and i can hit you in your face when you pop off with that dumb shit...
i better go before i end up showing the black half in me...
so im either going to read the BAKUMAN or watch THE WEEKENDERS X3

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