Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Here again....*sigh*

So lately I feel like ppl are leaving me alone more often... It's not a good feeling, well except with my mom cuz she can be really bothersome... Either way hotaru is home and it's her week to do the dishes which I doubt she'll do so in turn when my week comes back I won't seeing that my mom did her Sunday and Monday today is now wednsday(<==?)and the sink is full. I see that she won't make her do it in the future so I'm going to continue to wash what I use untill this is corrected. Also the other day I over heard them both talking badly about me... Guess what it felt great so great in fact that decided to talk to Viper about it but he was busy and I ended up doing somethings that I shouldn't have. One of them beening 4chan... I was on it for like 5 mins and was Like this isn't fun at all anymore. But back to topic it's like really you dislike me not only as a person but also as you son that you talk badly about me to your 14 yr old. If I wanted blind and unreasonable abuse I'd stayed with my ex until she killed me(which during the week unless Kira comes over I'd prefer). I just think my mom regrets ever saying having me... I know it something I should say but it's what I think. Kira says in a year our life will be better and that I'll never have to deal with any of this anymore, I pray she's right I'm going to change my name and leave this place and when she dies I'm not going to be there unless Kira makes me. Riku and Asuka J thinks she's just a dumbass that loves talking badly about me... I mean it's true... Out of 3 kids alive and that speaks to her I'm the 2nd succesful I finished high school with NO KIDS with a licences in advertisment tho it wasn't the right "career" I her eyes... She doesn't listen to a damn thing I says to her... Example: back when I was younger we moved to mobile Albama and back to here. Mind you by the time I had made friends got a gf and showed up the teacher and beat up her sons, my mom moved up back here and I ended up getting really sick cuz I had contracted pneumonia. Which sucked but she didn't believe me and though I was lying I had it for damn near 4 days before she raised a finger to help me... Do you know what's it like to go to school and have to do p.e. With pneumonia!!?!?!?? It's like running and then being dragon kicked in the chest by someone in steel toe boots that's how it feels!!! My great grandma was so pissed with her(this was before she died and at the time my bestfriend) I figured I'd never get the love and support a normal mom gives to her son then... And I think that was the day I figured dying would be better than being in this family.... *sigh* and here we are again... Maybe Kira will visit me this week before the weekend and things will be get better. KIRA PLEASE COME OVER AND HUG ME I NEED IT.... o.O OvO(kewh<===CHOCOBO!!!)

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