Wednesday, June 9, 2010

the phases of an Ex

okay now the Phases of an Ex goes like this
The Break up

now everyone knows what it's like to be in a relationship with someone heres how a the stages/phases of an Ex go...
The Break up: this is the part where either it's and agreement or someone gets hurt... sometimes it's cuz of an stupid argument or cuz someone cheated, maybe who your with is an Hitter idk, but they always end the same. the relationship is over. either take a break or move on cuz right now you can't save the relationship.

Anger/Relief: now depending if you did the breaking or got broken, someone is mad and someone isnt worried what crazy shit the person will do next. now it can be a 2 way street if you 2 agreed on breaking up save the friendship, but normally it's over something stupid and you argue or fight and break up cuz your mad... now sometimes the relationship can be saved depending on what you fight about... leaving the seat up, being too bossy/ a bitch, or never wanting to spend time, these are times you can fix to say the relationship. BUT again Normally you CANNOT AND SHOULD NOT IF THE PERSON IS ABUSIVE, BOSSY, A SERIAL CHEATER, A SERIAL LIER, and my advice to you is GET OUT NOW RUN AS FAST AS YOU CAN AND DATE SOMEONE NEW!!!!!! I'M OUT OF SHAWSHANK I'M FREE MOTHERFUCKER!!!!! X3

Sickening: the next phase once you've gotten over the whole break up next is Sickening, your Not mad anymore but you can't just stand the Sight or thought of them yet. thats pretty much it the thought of them makes you want to throw up... sometimes you don't get this phase... sometime you can never get past it, but all the same you really want to get past this.

Freezing: this phase is where you've more or less gotten to the point where you don't answer or think about anymore. anything you learn about them you think is sorta funny cuz ppl tell you and you don't care or you  ignore it cuz you don't want to deal with it anymore. a lot of ppl normally stay here cuz it may have ended badly or you can't get your answers and because of that you just don't ever want to deal with them...

Healthy: this is when you can move on and your ex can't affect you anymore you can have an healthy relationship with someone and they know that it's okay... now sometimes you can skip the rest and get here if you meet someone amazing (KIRA for me) and you just do even think about your ex... this can be the last Phase but depending on how your relationship ended there can be one more....
and it is... 

Closure: this is the last Phase and the Most Important cuz when your over your ex and everything is good lets say you two have become friends again and are talking. you want answer on what went wrong or they may want those answers.... if it's safe ask you may get them, or if you feel it's okay to tell them... sometime answers are all we need... so you get or give them and it's over 

the Ex Effect is over for you.... and you can safely move on...
i on the other hand am at Healthy with a Side of FREEZING cuz i just don't care and i'm very happy with who i'm with... i don't want answers cuz i found them out on my own, and i don't want to be friends with Sine.  so the World is Right Again and i can't wait for Friday!!!!!!!! KIRA DAY AND THE LAST AIRBENDER 3D YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! X3



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