Wednesday, June 30, 2010



Tuesday, June 29, 2010

B.o.B - Airplanes ft. Hayley Williams of Paramore [Official Music Video]

i love this song... i was listening to it before everyone started using it as a facebook status which really pissed me off....

Also Hayley Williams is DAMNIT FINE!!!!!!

So Comment Question of the Day!!!
What Would You Wish for???

Until then i'll

Monday, June 28, 2010

Belle Vs Raffaelli

Belle and Raffaelli
they've been in two movies together but who is the best
~Belle Vs Raffaelli~

leave your comment below

Keep On Swinging

Sunday, June 27, 2010

What to do

Okay so if you know anything it's that I can't sleep even tho I want to. I sitting up drinking hard lemonade like it's spiked it really just lemonade that I added way to much lemon to... But I can't help it Kira ribs hurt so I can't really cuddle and now that we're having sex again it doesn't help it's her time. That and the 3 hour comfort nap cuz I can't sleep when she isn't here unless I force myself... Idk what wrong with me...
My little sister ayane friend Shinn Han is changing into a woman and I think it's cute to she this change from a hardcore street girl to sometime different...
And right now I worry cuz Kira going to leave for boot camp and I worry what will happen to me... No one really takes care of me since I'm stuck inside and I can't really work... When she goes who is going to make sure I eat, keep me from being stuck inside all the time, hold me those nits when I need someone to be there.... Maybe I should kill myself or stop eating.... I don't think I can make it here alone without Kira I need her way to much and it that reason why I can't do without her.... Just thinking about this makes me want to die....

God why do you hate me...
I guess I'll take another drink and

Friday, June 25, 2010


this is Tensa... and he is Sweet... this is EPIC!!! i mean i knew he'd change but to go from Old Man Zangetsu to Young Tensa.... EPIC!!!!

Keep On Swinging

Gorillaz - On Melancholy Hill (HD)

this has to be the sweetest Gorrilaz Vid ever!!!

Thursday, June 24, 2010

No Love

so woke up and spent sometime on itunes and bought Eminem's new Album after a review from a friends status about how good it is... K.P. (maybe we should give K.P. a Name???) or Tyler X333 wow LMFAO... so um Tyler said the Em Album Recovery had this Bomb ass song called "No Love" which should be the Break up song of the year!!!!!

the Album is pretty bad ass reminds me a lot of his older stuff but clean in a way... personally i love the song "25 to life" as where No loves is sayin im i dont know why i let you trap me.... 25 to life is sayin im done chasing you i can't do this anymore and now im free of you finally...


and speaking of SINE or whatever i named her( i personally dont care anymore) i've think i've moved on... i only think of her when Viper brings up Song... and Viper finally got M.L.A.G. number and her name is Kairi Sweet huh i think so too.... other than that...


Larissa X3 im sure are reading my blog you'll know it's Me X3 just dont say anything about who i am... i can block family on facebook i cant on this blog...

either way Larissa is a Young girl gamer i made friends with on facebook Thru Tyler, she's pretty cool.

and my Purple Ninja Apprentice Bf seems nice i hope she is happy with him...


Sunday, June 20, 2010

Like i thought

So as I thought we have yet to have sex.... She threw me sex the other nite while I was asleep. I went to bed early cuz I saw no real reason to be awake. But today we went out had a great day an when we get home what happens GAIA HAPPENS!!!! I fucking hate that site!!! I played this mmorpg Saturday morning and you know what she said " I'm bored". So I got off and took a nap let her On so she can do all her online things. So now I'm like fuck it readers. Okay so would won't have sex fine I'm okay with that I love her I am cool with it.... But I will not be second banana to Gaia.

I guess I'mma just

Friday, June 18, 2010


so i am completely weak cuz of what you ask.... this video...

you cant watch this and not laugh it is the funniest thing ive seen all day!!!
anyway i'll actually write something soon that means something

Keep On Swinging

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Quality of life

My quality of life is shot to hell... right now i'd gladly have cancer and dying from it than not be able to run... it sucks cuz im stuck inside all day watching ppl enjoy they're lives, and i can't even do a cartwheel. and it kills me inside.... it kills me to the point that i dont know what to do with myself sometimes, i mostly contemplate killing myself. thats how bad it gets... i try not to, but sometimes i really want to...

i can barely walk on my own sometimes....
i can't stand for more than 5 maybe 10 minutes...
oh im also gettin fat... which sucks cuz i use to be so active which is why i think my gf isnt attracted to me anymore....
and becuz i have all this energy and nothing to do i'm constantly horny and my gf Kira doesn't like to have sex with cuz apparently i want it all the time....
it takes forever to fall asleep like right now it's 3 am and i want to sleep but what have i really done during the day that uses energy....

idk what i should do... i could commit suicide but then i'll go to hell Kira would be pissed and then my little brothers would have no one to talk to...

its thursday and im wide awake with nothing to do, i could workout but why when i'll need get down that 540 layover, become a pro bboy, do parkour, or be able to wiggle my toes in sand.... i wont even be able to chase my kids if my foot doesnt heal all the way...

I just dont KNOW what to do with myself.....

either way =3=

Just Try and

Monday, June 14, 2010


so i just found out my girlfriend Kira doesnt like to have sex with me anymore... and it hurt like hell to find that out... she's recently been acting like its a chore and it gotten less and less like one weekend we just didnt do it.. i want to be understanding but how did this happen we went from like pretty much everyday to like 3 maybe 4 times a month... *sigh* it's just great to know this now...


True Blood and The Boondocks

so tonite was the start up of Season 3 of True Blood, and as Always it was it was AWESOME! okay now im not gay, im not into guys at all. but to me the FUNNIEST SCENE Bill and Sam Shower together(not seen tho).
Bill "I'll take that shower now.. unless you care to join me"
Sam "yeah... i think i would"
Bill"good well have a nice time. i hear the water in Arkansas is VERY HARD....Come"
*phone rings*
Bill "no don't answer that."
Really WTH WTF!!!!! and FTW in this ep is the dying guy calling Jessica a fucking whore and all she can do is agree with him... but she beening to busy yelling at him to wake up he dies... karma affect vampires to... then some guy that was "playing with his own titties" spit V(vampire blood that they are getting from bill) into another guys mouth... SUPER WEIRD!!!!

then the BOONDOCKS
this wasn't no movie, the smart thing was to say yes get up and leave the room. But then i thought to myself, what if this was a movie...."look fuck you, fuck the plane you flew in on, fuck them shoes, fuck them socks with the bell on them, Fuck yo gay ass Mary Poppins accent, fuck them gay ass cigars, fuck yo yuck-mouth teeth, fuck your hairpiece, fuck your chocolate, fuck your Guy Richie, fuck Prince William, fuck the Queen. This is America my President is Black and My Lambo is Blue, Nigga. now get the fuck out my hotel room. And if i see you on the streets, i'm slappin the shit out of you."~Riley Freeman~
i was so weak i kept watching and watching over and over again... nothing was as funny as that line tonite...

other news..
my Mother really doesnt know how to talk to me and then when i points it out to her so thinks she wasnt wrong.... then when other ppl tell her yes you did yell she want to be all sorry.... i dont want to hear shit from her about it.. cuz it wasnt my fault and dont yell at me becuz of some others dumbass You spawned decided to be a WHORE and have 5 kids by 4 different guys... she's a stupid whore get over it....

either way i'll be changing the music player again soon

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Kung Fu kid

So it's movie time. So I saw the karate kid which should be called the Kung Fu kid. Other wise it was amazing... A 540 layover kick is all I'll say. Go see it I thought it was amazing!!!!

Keep on SWINGING!!!!


I think that Kira and I have gotten to that point in our relationship where we don't have sex that much. Cuz I remember we would have days off and we would just go at it all day, now it's sort like no foreplay unless she really wants to and I can't cum in her belly button anymore or anything. I barely see her until the weekend and we do it twice maybe 3 if we don't go out. I'm starting to worry if she is still finds me attractive anymore. I've been trying to find new was to spice up our sexlife and only one thing works but she has to want to read it first for it to work. It's like we're married..... Married sex life sucks..... And I mean it sucks. She's sleeping just laughing and sleepin like nothing has happened. And I know what your think no it's not just about sex but I don't do the other thing and I don't cheat so I kind want it a lot I also like Foreplay(for her) and to cuddle after... Comment question of the morning; How do you deal with going from 5-8 times a day to 2-3 times a week??

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Facebook status, MK:R, revealing myself, Ups

FB Status:
So i was on Facebook and i saw a Status that Killed me... it was a line from season 3 of TrueBlood
"Oh Jesus... Sweet Baby Jesus.... I Need Help, i need help more than i ever have.... GOD, Jesus, Mary Magdalene, Allah, Confucius, Buddha,*studders* Scientology, Aliens, That Lion from Narnia... whatever is out there i need your help now...*cries and falls to the ground* please for give me....~Jason Stackhouse~ Season 3 it was just a clip and it that was the greatest scene ever and it hasn't started yet X3"
the Status is from a reader of mine... yes i have readers where you think he Got this(X3) from? his mom HAHAHA your funny!!

Mk:R either way i thought it was funny so i ended up looking up the Video on Youtube... i could help but laugh... but then i went back to facebook and found this Mortal Kombat Rebirth Pics from the Same User(KP actually) he said he had to work for the Sub-Zero pic cuz i flashes you barely see it.....

this is the New Concept for Sub-Zero , Baraka, Scorpion, and Reptile.... Jaxs is in it played by Micheal Jai White(SWEET), and Baraka is played by    the black martial artist in The Protecter...
it seems like everyone got a remake and it have nothing to do with the Original 3 movies. WHICH IS GOOD! Cuz the last one SUCKED MAJOR ASS.... it was a dumbass movie that shouldnt have been made like the DOA movie, or any of the House of the Dead movies X3...

EWWW he's eating someones Face!!!

for Mk:R there doesn't seem to be much on it and the main Character is Scorpion not Liu Kang(FINALLY), and it looks really good. they say 2013 hopefully it's earlier.

Revealing Myself: okay i know sooner or later ppl will ask to know Who i am... and to answer that i'll say don't ask when i feel good about doing it you'll all know who i am until then just wait i'm not ready okay...

UPS: I'm currently waiting on my package, i just hope what it's for still works been a couple of months since i used it and i hope it is damaged... i have alot of things on it i need. either way i get it tomorrow and if it doesn't work i'll just have to replace the whole thing but i will have a replacement part ready if i have to X3....

outside of those topics i'll post again during the day to talk about plans for the weekend...

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

the phases of an Ex

okay now the Phases of an Ex goes like this
The Break up

now everyone knows what it's like to be in a relationship with someone heres how a the stages/phases of an Ex go...
The Break up: this is the part where either it's and agreement or someone gets hurt... sometimes it's cuz of an stupid argument or cuz someone cheated, maybe who your with is an Hitter idk, but they always end the same. the relationship is over. either take a break or move on cuz right now you can't save the relationship.

Anger/Relief: now depending if you did the breaking or got broken, someone is mad and someone isnt worried what crazy shit the person will do next. now it can be a 2 way street if you 2 agreed on breaking up save the friendship, but normally it's over something stupid and you argue or fight and break up cuz your mad... now sometimes the relationship can be saved depending on what you fight about... leaving the seat up, being too bossy/ a bitch, or never wanting to spend time, these are times you can fix to say the relationship. BUT again Normally you CANNOT AND SHOULD NOT IF THE PERSON IS ABUSIVE, BOSSY, A SERIAL CHEATER, A SERIAL LIER, and my advice to you is GET OUT NOW RUN AS FAST AS YOU CAN AND DATE SOMEONE NEW!!!!!! I'M OUT OF SHAWSHANK I'M FREE MOTHERFUCKER!!!!! X3

Sickening: the next phase once you've gotten over the whole break up next is Sickening, your Not mad anymore but you can't just stand the Sight or thought of them yet. thats pretty much it the thought of them makes you want to throw up... sometimes you don't get this phase... sometime you can never get past it, but all the same you really want to get past this.

Freezing: this phase is where you've more or less gotten to the point where you don't answer or think about anymore. anything you learn about them you think is sorta funny cuz ppl tell you and you don't care or you  ignore it cuz you don't want to deal with it anymore. a lot of ppl normally stay here cuz it may have ended badly or you can't get your answers and because of that you just don't ever want to deal with them...

Healthy: this is when you can move on and your ex can't affect you anymore you can have an healthy relationship with someone and they know that it's okay... now sometimes you can skip the rest and get here if you meet someone amazing (KIRA for me) and you just do even think about your ex... this can be the last Phase but depending on how your relationship ended there can be one more....
and it is... 

Closure: this is the last Phase and the Most Important cuz when your over your ex and everything is good lets say you two have become friends again and are talking. you want answer on what went wrong or they may want those answers.... if it's safe ask you may get them, or if you feel it's okay to tell them... sometime answers are all we need... so you get or give them and it's over 

the Ex Effect is over for you.... and you can safely move on...
i on the other hand am at Healthy with a Side of FREEZING cuz i just don't care and i'm very happy with who i'm with... i don't want answers cuz i found them out on my own, and i don't want to be friends with Sine.  so the World is Right Again and i can't wait for Friday!!!!!!!! KIRA DAY AND THE LAST AIRBENDER 3D YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! X3



Monday, June 7, 2010

Kira and I

i met my gf(Kira) when she was 15 and i was 18... she was so sweet and innocent that most of our dates back then was us sitting at the beach we rarely did more than that. one day she told me we couldnt date anymore because i was to old for her. we broke up and i ended up dating other girls and so did she. nothing good came from these relationships we both was in. i moved from Va to Az and then Seattle and her from Va to Oregon(only to have her gf break up with her) we kept in touch and one day at the end of the 6 years we remained friend after we moved back  a her friend makes her call me, and my gf at the time and i just had a fight(more or less she would hit me) and so when she heard that she told me that she still loves me and i should leave her.
i did the next day we moved in together, i decided that it was meant to be and that i would join the navy to take care of her. i found out that i had cancer and needed two major surgeries to get better. she stayed with me until i woke up and didnt leave until they said she had to... since i was in the hospital for so long in a cast i ended up getting burns on my legs and a pressure ulcer... she decided to join the air force and when i asked her why all she could say is "it cuz all you even do is try to make things better for me.... why shouldn't i try for you?"

nothing was Official at the time we was together but sorta not cuz we didnt want to let a bunch of ppl know.... then Viper was that we should just be together and so the next day we got engaged....
the moral is if we would have just said how we felt long ago no one would have ever gotten hurt...things maybe harder for us but we are happy cuz at least we want us both to be happy....

Keep on Swinging

One more then off to sleep

So m little brother stay over pretty much every weekend and I talk to them about everything.
My little sister stays here as well but we dont talk at all in fact if you know me you know I do not like her nor care about her at all. But today was a win as my brother was getting ready to go she cried.
Hey hey hey don't get all mad at me I didn't even say anyting and that's why
just that.
She cried cuz I don't talk to her.

So she told our mom she called me and when she left the room we was in she told me she cries cuz I don't talk to her....
I looked at my so called mom and said
" why talk to her when everytime I say anything to her you yell at me cuz she says I says this or that. Yes I'mma talk to a lier. Have you lost your mind!!!"
and then after that I talk to my brothers kissed Kira and went in my room and still have not said anything to her.
I say fuck them both let her cry X3
oh also my disowned older dumbass sister is mad at me cuz I blocked and removed her on facebook... All I will say to that is you shouldn't have been talking shit lil' Nigga ~Katt Williams~

Exs and why they shouldn't effect you

Okay I haven't written up here in awhile and I sorry, but to make it up to you here is some advice on Exs.

Okay now and Ex is someone you shared a past with that you don't anymore. Now sometimes they end up breaking of one of two ways.
1) you two are fine with it and are just friends


2) it ended badly and no one talk to each other for awhile.

Now mind you I have more of the not talking one mostly cuz we lose contact. X3 I move a lot.
But an Ex is someone you shouldn't interact with, no matter what things they do or say. Just leave them be no point In getting caught up....
Now there is an Ex of mine let's call her Tina. We broke up badly cuz of well let's say she like or know I was trying to start as being a blog writer and I used drama to get views(I don't really do that so much anymore unless i'm mad) but I've learned she wasn't that bad if an Gf sure she was bossy and a pain got on my nerves at times but she was suportive brave and willing to help me do better in school. So Tina I doubt you'll see this and if you do you won't know it's you unless someone tells you but I'm honestly sorry and I realized you tried your best.
Now that was a phase of an Ex I call closure and It's where you don't get sick looking at them or thinking about them. It the part where you like it over and you barely think of them.

Now the other kinds of Exs that you don't talk to anymore will lead you to feel like this.
We'll call her Sine
Sine spent two yrs kicking my ass then we broke up and she kept my family they like her better than me and she also having a baby by some other guy after 5 months. This phase that I'm in with her is the Ex factor I call freezing. I call it that because no matter what you know about her life it CANNOT bother you or you you will not get to the phase I call healthy.
Healthy is the phase where you can date someone new before closure and know your alright and the Ex mean basically nothing. But with Sine I doubt I'll get there cuz you never really get to closure with and Ex after they abused you X3.

But sometimes you can, and really sometime you can skip all the phases and fall madly in love with someone and get to healthy.

Either way Exs are apart of life that we all must get over.
And I will say this to you Sine for Kira since she never would herself "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA DUMBASS!"

I'll post the blog on the phases later I wrote them in a book and then forgot all about it X3

keep on swinging