Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Um Hello

So Hello Im Magari
I'm 24 Male i live in Seattle,
Wa And Norfolk, Va And I'm A Bit Different. im different always have been. First off im Blasian which Means Im A By Product of A Black And Asian Couples, how i am or what types shouldnt matter. second i pretty much dont fit in any where with most black people, i dont fit in with some asians X3 My best Friend is tho lets call her Kira. well i should say more than that cuz we've recently got engaged. Third im a Ug Kid which means as much as i tried back in high school i never fit in with trends Cuz i was way to into Art Anime Tricking Martial Arts And Vid Games, instead of being about getting "bitches" being seen Staying Fly and Not Dating Girls that arent Black. im way into Hiphop(which is not RAP) J-Music Breakin art Computers anime.( sorry but why should i chase after them when they wouldnt give me the time of day and they annoy the hell of me half the time. make god friends just cant date them)

Um I
dont Claim My Parents, I cant Stand my Mom Nor can She Me, and my Dad is a Dick either could die and it wouldnt phase me. At One Point I Was Considered as an Orphan, and went to school did okay. X3 My Mom Kimoka talks down to me pretty much when every she cans, and tries to push me into a Box that doesnt fit who i am. (she does this knowin my life and sets me up for failure in my eyes.) she complains and bitches about how i do thing who i date and so on and what not. as her son biologically and not step son or adopted and out of 5 im the only one that isnt dead and doesnt have kids. my sisters both have kids before they're 20 and yet she looks down on me. she takes care one one of their kids and treats her as her own so im expendable in her eyes.... (thanks Mom ya Douche)

i have a big sibling family
my Bio Brothers Are Dead one was Murdered the other died due to sickness.
im not going to get into that today
my Bio Sisters
Ai Is Great she has 3 kids two of which i consider brothers.
Kat, i
dont like so much....
Riku He Adopted me when i was an Orphan and his Mom and stepdad treat me like one of them. he's engaged to a Miss Asuka J(A.j.)... The COOLIST Big Sis Ever.
Soto Is my Twin same as me
Kimoka doesnt really care for us and he doesnt come around much or ever he hates them and they hate him.
Arg to many to note so i'll note them as i go. X3

So the main reason i started is
Cuz A.J. thinks i should get my feelings out about my life dreams, goals and such.
So Right Now i Feel Trapped and moving no where in life. I Had Cancer and had to have it removed from my body which in turn crippled me and made a shell of who i use to be. and right now
im still healing. walking is a problem for me sorta.
theres a ray of hope.
Kira she's so good to
me and gentle. i could never vent to her like i do up here cuz she's so innocent it would make her cry but after 6yrs of us being more than friends to being a couple thanks to my friend Viper. Kira IS PERFECT. X3
i really shouldnt have to vent, but things piss me off so much.
like my ex
Sayu... she Violently and mentally Beat me for over a year and sometimes i think about her i know i shouldnt but it kills me to not know Sayu was my bestfriend since i was 3 and she was 2 my stepdad Saito and her dad Law was Bestfriends so we became bestfriend.... end results she beat my ass like i was a donkey and off to the hospital we go and i have cancer due to not eating enough and the abuse... i stayed becuz i cared and after 2 dozen broken ribs(not all at once) 3 fingers and my nose... it just ended way to badly for what origins we had.... she made me give up all my friends and treated me like im shit but she was loving at times... i dont hate her i just can't look at her sometimes and not hurt... the things she's done, lie cheat, steal and most of all Beat... and at the sametime made it look as if i was doing it...

thats a piece of me... Magari... if you want to know more leave a comment.
i'll try and update each day but if not i know i will every Thursday.
i'm here so talk Games Movies Art life and Advice... im here to help both you and me. X3

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