Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Complete Darkness Update

So Me and Misa broke up and she went and married some other guy which is cool i guess. I think i'm over it which is why i'm back up here this blog a dedication to our love that was one sided. i loved her but apparently she loved me just wanted to fuck other ppl like her bestfriend Joe and this new guy but not me unless she was in the mood for it.... glad i didn't catch anything.

In the time since i've met a few Girls Amy, Emma and now today Sarah.

Amy is a Loving and tend woman that i love to spend time with if not for her i would have killed myself and we wouldn't be having this talk kids. she's like me a military kid but hates it like i do now. loves gaming anime and manga so we fit like puzzles pieces. We do fight way to much she doesn't trust me and constantly tells me to find another GF so much i think i sorta have. As much as i care about her and i don't want to cause i care about her yet something each time we fight after a perfect night that makes me tell her i love you even when she is mad. i just wish she'd calm the fuck down sometimes and stop pushing me away cause as much as i want her to stay i'm not gonna try and make her stay she leave she leaves. can't make someone stay i barely see.

Emma is a 33 year old woman from Stockholm. yea a foreigner that loves to suck cock LUCKY ME!!! but thats the only thing the distance and as cool as she is i could cover the ticket to see her but i might be stupidly broken for awhile after. her dark hair and blues makes her so alluring and i want to give her that chocolate she wants so bad. to be honest i got into her saturday night and we talked long into the morning her time and late into the night for me 2 nights in a row. Nothing major somethings was sexual but most was left to the mind. And you all know how my mind wonders. tho i remind fateful just talk nothing more nothing less and she even knows about Amy, so she knows how far she can go with me.

Sarah happens to be everything i like in a woman tattoos piercing and a freak. oh god tho it was harmless fun and nothing against Amy but WOW hot under my collar. don't think i'm going to sleep anytime soon. mostly cause of what she told me "I Deep throat like a CHAMP!" how could i not get turned on when i love to lick pussy and have my dick sucked? Which reminds me her clit is pierced so sexy gonna hum on that X3 Jk. Sarah is very sexy and she knows it. This sexy hipster from Idaho wanting to move to Portland she's that's where she feels like she'll fit in at. Not to far from where i will be when i go back to campus. She will totally get a visit if things with Amy doesn't work out.

These girls are so cool and i like them all equally Right now Sarah a bit more since we are so alike, and Amy's pushing me away. so IDK the swedish Bombshell, the Cali Dream girl or the SEXY Hipster from Idaho.... Man why is life so hard like my Dick after what Sarah told me....

Monday, October 4, 2010


i forget about you guys and for that im sorry... i had some stuff to post 
most are about movies.... 
me luckily hopefully getting a new computer....
me and kiras wedding
anime and manga im currently into....

but none of that seemed important.... other than i wanted a book lately called Go Ask Alice. idk why i want to read it... it's such a terrible story of a drug addict girl who at who point gets clean then ends up being tricked into well forced into it raped and then gets home with her family only to Overdose. yea very sad story major reason why i satid away from drugs...
oh also my elder sister got pissed at SINE cuz she removed them as friends on facebook... she kept asking me "why why did she delete me as a friend?" and all i could say is "cuz you was never her friend she kept you all around to bother me and when she heard a was really gettin married or that i just dont care anymore she removed you.... "
my sis spent a good hour looking for her on facebook then got the number from my little sister so she could call her and cuss her out... then she had a moment when i guess god called her and she left it alone... idk if she did anything more once she left but i thought that was worth blogging...

oh and one other thing for you SINE
i just wanted to thank you... cuz i know what real love is now... it's warm and gentle and innocent. it's worthwhile and pure, and it knows hittings never right and abuse is wrong and sex never solves fights but kissing and talking does.... thats why Kira took me away from you that nite she called me...

other than that kiddos


Thursday, September 9, 2010

my nets been down...

so my nets been down and there has been some things going on that yea... made me not wanna write but here i am in my cold ass living room writing to you guys....
either way seen a few good movies as of late had a cookout last sunday
and will be seeing Resident evil 3d....
and thanks to that damn holiday monday i should be gettin my spider-man shattered dimension tomorrow along with Cox coming to set up my net THANK GOD... oh and FUCK VERIZON!!!!!!
i hate them now...

anyway Later Days

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Heart to heart

We talked and then we made love for the first time in a long time.... It was amazing and I mean we did it twice we talked during telling each other how much we love and want each other... I am happy and also very sleepy for once...


Friday, August 20, 2010

A Few Changes Made

Opening wallpaper
Music Added
Opening Quote

things added
Top Playlist Songs

um thats about it
Let me know what you think

Might be seeing Vampires Suck Saturday i'll let you know
Either way

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Girlfriend problems....•sigh•

So kira told me how I'm way too touchy feely and lovey dovey with her that she loves it but it's overwhelming for her... I guess I can understand that sinces her only other ral relationship was with a closet lesbian.... Also that Immature when with my brothers out in public... But that's who I am with them I'm the clown I've always been... So now I can't even be myself around them... Which kinda sucks cuz I've always let her be herself... But it's watever I'll change for her even if we aren't having sex anymore.... I love her so much sometimes I tell her I'm not do anything when really I'm alone crying cuz fear she'll leave me for some mobile guy or girl.... God I hate feeling this way over a person...

Maybe I'll hang myself


Monday, August 16, 2010

Amazingly WTF?!?!?!

so wtf???
how come you can really get upset that i dont want to be all lovey dovey when we barely have sex... i dont want to kiss every 3-5 minutes knowing that i wont get any after being turned on... i was satisfied with we(i take that back).... i did for you friday before sex... i didnt want it but you just had to tease me until you got it.... and no im not going to cheat on you i mean i could if i wanted i could have been cheated.... but you wont even sleep with me after you put in the time and effort into turning me on.... or after telling me that Maybe and gettin up set i say "oh yea thats a major No"
i just dont get your way of thinking... there is no such thing as non physical relationship... we had 6-7 years to get the emotional down... we got that..
but it's okay cuz i dont want to do it anymore... i just dont....

you Evil foul mouth little slut.... SINE... i dont know why but i still hate you and i want you to stay away from my family... just cuz i hate them doesnt mean you get to have them.......

i might make some changes to the Blog Page over the next couple of day... IDK what yet but yea.. music will change again well i'll add more to it... if you got the time take a break and listen to it..

anyway tired of being angry....

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Movies....Games and Movies

So lately ive been playing borderlands and blazblue....
(yes it is a review again X3 sucks for you innit)
so yea i know Borderlands been out for awhile but hey everyone wanted to play it.... everyone being Kira and my Brothers X3
so Borderlands happens to be one of the better games last year and so it's one of the few people are still playing now with its new DLC coming out soon...Zombies Claptraps is all i know.. rumor most likely tho... but i doubt it...gears not known for there keepin Dlc under wraps...
Then there is BlazBlue Continuum Shift which is Epically Awesome....need i say more... to bad cuz i wont all i will say is if you like 2D fighters this is the game for you.....

Movies oh GAD MOVIES!!!!!
Now i know i said i'd review all those other movies okay.... um FUCK THEM!!!!!! the only movie you need to see is Scott Pilgrim Vs The World heres a trailer....

 and with that...
oh The Expendables was good too...

also i wanna give a shout out to
David Spates
Ray william johnson
KevJumba's JumbaFund
Wong Fu Productions
Natalie's community channel
the HSS the musical Crew
and Timothy DeLaGhetto

anyway back to my epic day!!!


Thursday, August 12, 2010

Been Busy X3

Sorry it's been awhile been sorta busy....
lots of games and Movies Ya-know...

So game wises ive been playing Borderlands and BlazBlue Continuum Shift lately Outside of the Alan Wake: the Signal Dlc when in the mood....

Movie Have Been:
Dinner For Schmucks
And The Other Guys...
All was very good but Other guys Could have been funny(it was just okay)... starting to wish i did see Step Up 3d tho... guess i'll have to wait *sigh*

So right Now i just waiting for next month for Spider-Man Shattered Dimensions, Halo Reach, Fallout New Vegas, Star Wars Forced Unleashed II, and Assassin Creed Brotherhoods... thats alot of games in over the Next 2 months...
How will i ever write all those reviews... well i'll just do them as i go i guess... tomorrow after i wake up i might write the BlazBlue CS Review... not too sure depends on how i feel...

Either Way heres the comment Question of the Day and it's From
"HOLY SHIT!!!! Do You Even Understand Words?
 So Do you even Understand Words

Leave you Comments or Questions

Thursday, July 29, 2010

thinking back... current life news

A while back my friend Viper posted a letter on his facebook... and all that made me think of the times where i wanted to tell Kira how i still love her and the fun little dates we use to go on when she was still with her Ex Gf.... and it made me think.... if i would have just told her sooner.." Kira i still love you" i wouldnt be here now... i wouldnt be sick... i'd be next to her in our bed... i wouldnt be crippled and be able to drive her somewhere fancy for dinner... that what i had planned for Valentines day this year before all this...

but now i'm stuck alone during the week surviving off of weekend visits gamefly, saturday movie outings, and hanging with my brother and his wife... yea i said it wife... when all i have is anime and IM Facebook and texting to keep me social...

i do take the rare walk alone but idk if i should anymore... cuz i always want to sit by the river but there arent any benches and the ducks and geese are pretty hardcore...

onemanga is getting shut down which is a total ball smash... i swear the whole lot of japanese mangaka are bloody wankers.... in japan your manga cost about the price of a comic here in the states some one scans the translates them for us yankees to read and you get mad because your true fans dont want to want 6 months to a year to catch up... you lot are hobbknockers thats for true....

Doctor Who that comes on during the week started over with the 9th Doctor... tho not a major fan of Rose with the 10th she's not to annoying with the 9th.... and the Series starting the 11th just had it season final ep... so nothing like that to watch for awhile....

other than that i want to cut my leg off... and also im sleepy...

wait one more.... Song is a Swampdonkey

you Blokes

Friday, July 23, 2010

Dear Troll Letters....

so i'm on Facebook and i see this friend of mine and he has this status...

Dear Asian girl....
You've Completely ruined my best friend... so to you i will say this... your clit looks like a tiny penis, and your pussy looks like you can be pulled apart and used as wings to fly with cuz they're so weird looking....
i was traumatized by your sloppy vagina

AND I WAS SO WEAK! i could even get dressed....
so i go to check out the vids he posted that day.... come to find out he's been doing it all day that day and has decide to make it a series called Dear Troll

the one before that was for his Ex

Dear Ex
I'm sorry I hooked up with another girl not even 12 hours after we broke up... But the fact of the matter is you was a bitch and an embarrassment... I'm glad your happy now and everything is working out for you... But I'm also sorry those pics you sent me got leaked all over 4 chan...
Not really sorry at all

funny thing is people actually went looking on 4chan on it and i called him and he said he wanted to but didnt he may but not right now..... says he has hundreds of them tho....

but the one that got him started was this one

Dear Noob...
I am Sorry for Killing you 4 times with a head shot... im also sorry for the fact that during all this i took frames and will post them online later along with your gamertag... but to make it up to you i will continue to skull fuck your body 2 sec after i killed you next
truely yours

not as funny as the other ones but still pretty good.... either way i'll keep you guys updated on the funniest ones and...
i guess i'll

Friday, July 9, 2010


okay now normally we all love Skirts. as a guy i dont plan on wearing one... so why bring it up???
In Japan the newest trend among men are SKIRTS. Yes i said it Skirts... story from Sankaku Complex
but the gist of the story in currently in japan Young Men Wear Skirts out in PUBLIC!!!! what the HELL!!! that is a young man in the image above but really why... your not Scottish, so cut that Gay shit out... well unless your gay then do whatever the hell you want. but to the straight guys in the Words of Kevin Hart "HEY THATS GAY CUT THAT OUT!!!"

Facebook spreads STDs-Sankaku Complex FB STD story
now in this story there is a claim that facebook being the networking site it is has started spreading syphilis... now i've read the story up and down... and the only thing i can think of is.... wow what dumbass sleeps around without getting tested or wearing protection!?!?!?
now the test results are only in england right now( we all know how freaky those britts can be X3) but basically the Teeside area had a major boost in Syphilis due to casual sex linked to facebook...
only thing i can say it.... Facebook didnt give you Syphilis that trashy girl or guy you decided to Fuck that semi warm British night gave it to you.... thats like Walking in to a pre-heated oven dick/clit first your just begging to be burned... now i can make jokes all day but the funniest thing i can do is Quote Facebook response 

“The assertion that Facebook is responsible for the transmission of syphilis is ridiculous. Facebook is no more responsible for STD transmission than newspapers responsible for bad vision.”
but thats not all they then proceed to say
“As Facebook’s more than 400 million users know, our website is not a place to meet people for casual sex – it’s a place for friends, family and co-workers to connect and share.
WOW Facebook is funny..
but they redeemed themselves with this

Facebook used as a way to Contact the Police Sankaku story link
 so a 10 and 12, became lost down a storm drain in the Australian city of Adelaide... i know sounds like a bad joke, but for some they get trapped in a storm drain with WORKING PHONES... WTF is this 24????
now i know when im trapped i update my facebook with my dying words... okay no more jokes...
so someone saw these and really called the police or 000(their version of 911) and the fire dept went to their rescue... now in the story there is no say of what the parents was doing... maybe they was out fighting demonic nazis or something i dont know but WTF could they have been doing that let 2 kids  play in storm drains... normally parents let kids play out in the streets not storm drains, and dont Australia has some of the world most dangerous creatures.... yea... um gonna leave that one alone...

okay last story lol

LIVE ACTION RUROUNI KENSHIN!!! Sankaku Complex story
now if your a fan of Anime or Manga hell even japanese culture in general you know Samurai X, HITOKIRI BATTOSAI Himura Kenshin... the Best Swordsman ever... well Animated anyway
and they already have an Actor!!! YES!!!! named Takeru Satoh.(image Right ====>)
 now personally the guy looks like Himura Kenji. Kenshin's son which is cool cuz the only difference between them is hair colour... with this in the works WHO WOULDNT SEE IT... i waited WEEKS to watch the live Action of DORORO X3

hmmm maybe they will start a new Rurouni Series... i can see it now Rurouni Kenji X3
or Rurouni Yahiko X3

Okay i gotta go Surf NINJAS is on...

Tuesday, July 6, 2010


So this show is call HighSchool of the Dead.... and it is AWESOME... it's got BOOBIES, Zombies, Pantsu, blood splatered BOOBIES and PANCHIRA!!!!! and BOOBIES REALLY BIG BOOBIES and most of all ZOMBIES, and BOOBIES!!!!!!!
 the original trio

here is some picture and it you want to download it at Anime-Access to watch it or read the manga at 1000Manga...X3 ENJOY!!!

(big fan of Saeko.. Samurai Girls are SEXY!!!!)

Kill the Zombie Horde and