Saturday, June 12, 2010


I think that Kira and I have gotten to that point in our relationship where we don't have sex that much. Cuz I remember we would have days off and we would just go at it all day, now it's sort like no foreplay unless she really wants to and I can't cum in her belly button anymore or anything. I barely see her until the weekend and we do it twice maybe 3 if we don't go out. I'm starting to worry if she is still finds me attractive anymore. I've been trying to find new was to spice up our sexlife and only one thing works but she has to want to read it first for it to work. It's like we're married..... Married sex life sucks..... And I mean it sucks. She's sleeping just laughing and sleepin like nothing has happened. And I know what your think no it's not just about sex but I don't do the other thing and I don't cheat so I kind want it a lot I also like Foreplay(for her) and to cuddle after... Comment question of the morning; How do you deal with going from 5-8 times a day to 2-3 times a week??

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