Monday, June 7, 2010

Exs and why they shouldn't effect you

Okay I haven't written up here in awhile and I sorry, but to make it up to you here is some advice on Exs.

Okay now and Ex is someone you shared a past with that you don't anymore. Now sometimes they end up breaking of one of two ways.
1) you two are fine with it and are just friends


2) it ended badly and no one talk to each other for awhile.

Now mind you I have more of the not talking one mostly cuz we lose contact. X3 I move a lot.
But an Ex is someone you shouldn't interact with, no matter what things they do or say. Just leave them be no point In getting caught up....
Now there is an Ex of mine let's call her Tina. We broke up badly cuz of well let's say she like or know I was trying to start as being a blog writer and I used drama to get views(I don't really do that so much anymore unless i'm mad) but I've learned she wasn't that bad if an Gf sure she was bossy and a pain got on my nerves at times but she was suportive brave and willing to help me do better in school. So Tina I doubt you'll see this and if you do you won't know it's you unless someone tells you but I'm honestly sorry and I realized you tried your best.
Now that was a phase of an Ex I call closure and It's where you don't get sick looking at them or thinking about them. It the part where you like it over and you barely think of them.

Now the other kinds of Exs that you don't talk to anymore will lead you to feel like this.
We'll call her Sine
Sine spent two yrs kicking my ass then we broke up and she kept my family they like her better than me and she also having a baby by some other guy after 5 months. This phase that I'm in with her is the Ex factor I call freezing. I call it that because no matter what you know about her life it CANNOT bother you or you you will not get to the phase I call healthy.
Healthy is the phase where you can date someone new before closure and know your alright and the Ex mean basically nothing. But with Sine I doubt I'll get there cuz you never really get to closure with and Ex after they abused you X3.

But sometimes you can, and really sometime you can skip all the phases and fall madly in love with someone and get to healthy.

Either way Exs are apart of life that we all must get over.
And I will say this to you Sine for Kira since she never would herself "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA DUMBASS!"

I'll post the blog on the phases later I wrote them in a book and then forgot all about it X3

keep on swinging

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