Saturday, August 21, 2010

Heart to heart

We talked and then we made love for the first time in a long time.... It was amazing and I mean we did it twice we talked during telling each other how much we love and want each other... I am happy and also very sleepy for once...


Friday, August 20, 2010

A Few Changes Made

Opening wallpaper
Music Added
Opening Quote

things added
Top Playlist Songs

um thats about it
Let me know what you think

Might be seeing Vampires Suck Saturday i'll let you know
Either way

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Girlfriend problems....•sigh•

So kira told me how I'm way too touchy feely and lovey dovey with her that she loves it but it's overwhelming for her... I guess I can understand that sinces her only other ral relationship was with a closet lesbian.... Also that Immature when with my brothers out in public... But that's who I am with them I'm the clown I've always been... So now I can't even be myself around them... Which kinda sucks cuz I've always let her be herself... But it's watever I'll change for her even if we aren't having sex anymore.... I love her so much sometimes I tell her I'm not do anything when really I'm alone crying cuz fear she'll leave me for some mobile guy or girl.... God I hate feeling this way over a person...

Maybe I'll hang myself


Monday, August 16, 2010

Amazingly WTF?!?!?!

so wtf???
how come you can really get upset that i dont want to be all lovey dovey when we barely have sex... i dont want to kiss every 3-5 minutes knowing that i wont get any after being turned on... i was satisfied with we(i take that back).... i did for you friday before sex... i didnt want it but you just had to tease me until you got it.... and no im not going to cheat on you i mean i could if i wanted i could have been cheated.... but you wont even sleep with me after you put in the time and effort into turning me on.... or after telling me that Maybe and gettin up set i say "oh yea thats a major No"
i just dont get your way of thinking... there is no such thing as non physical relationship... we had 6-7 years to get the emotional down... we got that..
but it's okay cuz i dont want to do it anymore... i just dont....

you Evil foul mouth little slut.... SINE... i dont know why but i still hate you and i want you to stay away from my family... just cuz i hate them doesnt mean you get to have them.......

i might make some changes to the Blog Page over the next couple of day... IDK what yet but yea.. music will change again well i'll add more to it... if you got the time take a break and listen to it..

anyway tired of being angry....

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Movies....Games and Movies

So lately ive been playing borderlands and blazblue....
(yes it is a review again X3 sucks for you innit)
so yea i know Borderlands been out for awhile but hey everyone wanted to play it.... everyone being Kira and my Brothers X3
so Borderlands happens to be one of the better games last year and so it's one of the few people are still playing now with its new DLC coming out soon...Zombies Claptraps is all i know.. rumor most likely tho... but i doubt it...gears not known for there keepin Dlc under wraps...
Then there is BlazBlue Continuum Shift which is Epically Awesome....need i say more... to bad cuz i wont all i will say is if you like 2D fighters this is the game for you.....

Movies oh GAD MOVIES!!!!!
Now i know i said i'd review all those other movies okay.... um FUCK THEM!!!!!! the only movie you need to see is Scott Pilgrim Vs The World heres a trailer....

 and with that...
oh The Expendables was good too...

also i wanna give a shout out to
David Spates
Ray william johnson
KevJumba's JumbaFund
Wong Fu Productions
Natalie's community channel
the HSS the musical Crew
and Timothy DeLaGhetto

anyway back to my epic day!!!


Thursday, August 12, 2010

Been Busy X3

Sorry it's been awhile been sorta busy....
lots of games and Movies Ya-know...

So game wises ive been playing Borderlands and BlazBlue Continuum Shift lately Outside of the Alan Wake: the Signal Dlc when in the mood....

Movie Have Been:
Dinner For Schmucks
And The Other Guys...
All was very good but Other guys Could have been funny(it was just okay)... starting to wish i did see Step Up 3d tho... guess i'll have to wait *sigh*

So right Now i just waiting for next month for Spider-Man Shattered Dimensions, Halo Reach, Fallout New Vegas, Star Wars Forced Unleashed II, and Assassin Creed Brotherhoods... thats alot of games in over the Next 2 months...
How will i ever write all those reviews... well i'll just do them as i go i guess... tomorrow after i wake up i might write the BlazBlue CS Review... not too sure depends on how i feel...

Either Way heres the comment Question of the Day and it's From
"HOLY SHIT!!!! Do You Even Understand Words?
 So Do you even Understand Words

Leave you Comments or Questions