Thursday, April 29, 2010


i think this is weird but okay... Kira's friend John doesnt like me yet she continues to stay friends with him... yet my Ex was a major problem for her.... my Ex didnt even know we was together yet she wanted her out of my life... i dont like John nor do i want him in her life.... is this wrong?? how can it be that i had to stop talkin to my ex before she actually became a problem, but now that i could give a 2 shits about John it's okay for her to stay friends with him....
all of this is fucked up....

The resolution

Okay it's 5 am and I can't sleep. Okay here it is bottem line I love Kira she treats me great she loves me I love her she makes me happy.... So why can't I just forgive you and let you go you did so many awful things to me. And I tried to be your friend and you pushed me away. I beat everyone is happy that you not with me good for you. Your mother proud of you now.... Asuka J I hope your wrong cuz I don't want her back I want some fucking answers... Is it really that wrong to want to know why you did it and even when I so close to going back to you, push me and wat little friendship away.... I have my resolve now... I HATE WHO YOU ARE AND WAT YOU'VE BECOME STAY OUT OF MY LIFE FOREVER. You nothing but a ghost to me now.... And wat makes all this even funnier is not only are you having a kid by a guy you've told me meant nothing at first by after less than a yr but you have my Dumbass sister(no honor among family) on your side and you drove me to the one person that treats me better.... I hope it true love for you two cuz I am thru with you completely

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Music Player Update.... and one other thing

So im updating my Music Player so this will be the Blog where imma as you if there is any songs on my playlist that you like or dont like and why... i'm most likely going to change the opening song for when you open the page... if you dont like it i'll swith it to something else.(sorry iphone/itouch readers since we don't get flash you wont be able to hear it unless by computer)

Also ive been reading a Manga by the creator of DeathNote called Bakuman(<===Link) and it's really good. it's not a battle manga so dont get your hopes up for fighting...

+ i sent back the Strange Journey game... mostly cuz i had stopped playing it for sometime and had completely forgot i had it so i sent it back to gamefly but it's very good never seen them use that type of game format before on the ds and it really worked for them, i just happened to get Splinter cell and a few other rentals that made me forget... right now im waiting for SSFVI and Prince of Persia...

look know i know there are people that read this but this time im giving a comment question that you have to answer!
the question is:
Where has the honor gone in America today?
i remember there was a time when if you didnt like someone you just said it you didnt pretend to be they're friend and you didnt start shit just to show them up one ONLINE say that shit to their face like a MAN or WOMAN. what is it that drives this people to talk shit over the net and not to ppls faces.... maybe it's me and my time around black ppl cuz a "Nigga" would tell you straight up to yo face so you can hear  so you can talk shit back and trap you in a "Nigga Moment", but lately theses other ppl(mostly non african american) think that it's COOLER to talk your shit online. i think it's time for us to all get back to basics so we can fight face to face and i can hit you in your face when you pop off with that dumb shit...
i better go before i end up showing the black half in me...
so im either going to read the BAKUMAN or watch THE WEEKENDERS X3

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Fruit bowl boyz WTF????

just watch this and then read the part below
skip to 3 mins and 2 seconds in

and now this shit is dumb ass shit.... WTF is with the snapping?!?!?

Friday, April 23, 2010

well when i rains it pours

oh thats it....


so on my facebook today i was joking Captain Planet... and Mixed it with Highlander now everyone having fun and joking about how Captain Planet is Better and im saying Highlander is better jokingly saying im an Immortal(JOKING)

so our friend Chaz says
Chaz: what about someone with the blood of gods

Me: that aint captain planet... and Hercules was consider a king he married Deianira, daughter of King Oeneus. which in turn made him a king and that blood is inside of me....

and then John Comes out the blue saying STUPID SHIT AGAIN!!!
John: If you got Hercules blood in you why you still using a cane? haha

so i explain to John that major surgery on two parts of the human body is traumatic
so we all move on and Ignore John.
Chaz was like i win so i said i'll get him some Cookies cuz he Humors John as in where i just gave up and dont give a fuck cuz its annoying....

So Kira
Kira: I have something all guys want so I win! X3

And then John goes
John: well not all guys Kira, some are Gay, but i guess that gets evened out given the a certain number of women want it too

and it's like we get it Kira is Pretty much GAY Get over it
Me: oh god im friends with a savant....

John: your fuckin retarded, dont savant me dickhead, so carry your cockyself

(what i said)
Me:you know what josh move on... i meant wat you say is stupid but i know your smart, ya dumbass... honestly if im cocky then get a new friend i can give a fuck less... im tired of the stupid shit you post on my page you think is funny yet im suppose to think it's funny when it's insulting... everyone suppose to take the shit you say as cool but when i bust a joke im wrong.... grow up cuz if you didnt like the conversation do what i do remove yourself from it... like for real Yo Gabba Gabba that the black Citizen Kane in my eyes... saying Shut the Fuck UP Fool everytime you come on my page and then that BIG ass Lie about Troy and Mic Ann... you prank and play with everyone else but when it comes to you if it's INSULTING THEY'RE wrong... you have no common sense and thats why ppl get mad at you so damn much.... if you dont like what you see then maybe you should stay of my page and keep my name out your mouth
and then i say

Me: you want respect from me give it.... and it Idiot Savant that the Insult... saying savant mean your smart without commonsense....
(what i wanted to say)

Me:and again im moving on.... cuz again i could careless.... wait in fact i dont care at all.... and this coming from the person who had sex with a gay chick and then she went back to girls right after.... so if im cocky *LITTLE MAN* then wat are you chicken little?

i wanted to be mean but i didnt... i just pointed out how stupid he acts and if you want to be respected then give it...

Thursday, April 22, 2010

minutes to midnite

so with only minutes to midnight i get an email... and im thinking sure wat the hell lets open odd email from ppl i dont know.... and it's Yumi great... fucking great Yumi is the girl my ex would send naked pics of herself to and they would hangout doing god knows what...  and with that i deleted it.... i didnt even bother to read it... it was some msg that i got that i shouldnt have....


Saw Kick ASS last saturday and i have to say it was the best fucking movie ive seen all year!!!! Jetpack with Gatling guns WTF!!!!!! it was AWESOME I loved it!!!

this Saturday will be The Losers which looks promising, very promising....

OTHER than that.... 
im just here waiting for Kira so we can watch Supernatural cuz she missed it...

ive come to terms and i just personally dont give a fuck take it how you want....

"you couldn't beat me there if you had a leer!!!but that was personalized

(the picture is just for fun Borderlands Bitch!!!)

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Can we pretend that airplanes are like shooting stars

Can we pretend that airplanes
In the night sky
Are like shooting stars
I could really use a wish right now (wish right now) (wish right now)
Can we pretend that airplanes
In the night sky
Are like shooting stars
I could really use a wish right now

yea cuz i could use a wish or 20 right now.... 
i wish i didnt miss you Kira so much 
that i'd fear that you'll leave me cuz i'm broken 

I'd wish that we could be happy 
and nothing bad ever happened to us...
but i cant do that cuz we would appreciate each other so much

i'd wish that when i met you it was okay for us to be together...
i was with some many ppl that hurt me before we finally said fuck it

i'd wish for my to be all better
so that when we go out i can hold your hand when we walk

and most of all i wish for ppl to give up trying to hurt us
i mean honestly 

I don't even know why you bother at this point anymore.

Like give it up, it's me. I win and you lose.

Here's to the nights we felt alive...

[this is from a blog of mine when a couple of months back. i felt like sharing it cuz i sorta feel that way now]

Eh... here we go again here's another nite with Magari feeling sorry for himself....

so i decided to play an older song and i couldn't help thinking about my ex when this part came on...

Here's to the nights we felt alive
Here's to the tears you knew you'd cry
Here's to goodbye
Tomorrow's gonna come too soon

and after my Little brother gave me his password so i could make my final choice on leaving my Ex alone for good, een now i dont know if i should ever be friends with her.... but sometimes it just feels like i should even tho all she did was push me away... and i hate her for it... i really needed her she was MY BESTFRIEND  the number one person i could trust. she knew things about me that i havent told anyone and she just does me any kind of way... i figured she'd move on like we never broke up while i was in the hospital she faked like she hadn't the whole time... but by the time i realized this i was with Kira and she let me stay with her since the break up... (i doubt you'll see this but yes i stayed with Kira when i left my sisters i never went to Bouncer's and we had sex well more or less i made her cum without touching her.... do you know how hard that is!!!!) and we tried it like Jennifer and Vince Vaughn but it didnt work out just like them... so now i blog about what was us... it feels good to think about the things we use to do, but it feels better to replace them with things i do with Kira... like my favorite date with Kira was the Paramore No-Doubt concert and we stayed until the end.... and family wise i still like the dad and  brothers Kira's sister is way better than Lena, but the moms a SUPER bitch... i know with time i'll get over you completely and you'll just be that person that abused me... someone that i cant remember why i dated you... why i let good friends go over....  you'll just be that person i dated long ago... you'll never be a regret or an mistake but i grew from all this and learned, you love most always hurt you more than when it's someone you just know... and Ex you hurt me far worse than this surgery has... but Kira Loves Fixing me and she does a good job... do you realize i am nice to ppl cuz i want to be not cuz im afraid of what she'll do.... so lets forgive,and all the bad thoughts just let them Go. Cuz Got a New Bestfriend and her Name is Bunnii

Monday, April 19, 2010

Man Baby

This is for Asuka J since she says a man cant have a baby in him

Man Fetus

Growing up in Nagpur, India, Sanju Bhagat was often ridiculed for his abnormally large stomach. We all know how it is--kids can be cruel, especially when you're a man who has looked pregnant his entire life. It's kind of a horrifying irony that it was ultimately discovered he had been pregnant his entire life. Sort of.

Enjoy, ladies.

He finally did something about his situation one night when he was rushed to the hospital with shortness of breath and severe pain. When the doctors attempted to remove what they assumed was a tumor, they were mildly shocked to find... Wait, seriously?

...a partially formed fetus. Holy shit, that's like a scene from a freaking John Carpenter movie. Except like 10 times worse.

Maybe not 10 times.

One doctor's natural reaction was apparently to shake hands with the abomination, which had limbs, hair and genitalia.

But Could it Happen to Me?

Luckily, there are fewer than 90 cases of this in recorded medical history, but we still think that's about 100 too many. It's called fetus in fetu, and it basically means that Bhagat had a twin inside the womb who he absorbed like an in-vitro caged death match.

Apparently, as in this case, the parasitic fetus will sometimes feed off the host until "doctors are forced to intervene." As though having some kind of unborn demonspawn leeching off your life force from the inside wouldn't be your highest priority under any imaginable circumstance.

1st Page Number 4

I hate Ugg and Emu Boots also cassi

Also FUCK UGG BOOTS AND EMU BOOTS YOU BITCHES LOOK WEATHER COMFUSED IN THEM DUMBASS. and cassi pissed me off she's luck Viper is nice I'dda smacked you with some white gloves. X3 this is like twilight Viper and Song or the hungry chick wait maybe M.A.C. Girl will be it either way I'm team Viper X3 so imma sleep now cuz
•I should it 5 am
•imma try online with ppl tomorrow hopin our net doesn't fuck up...


So guess what I love Kira!!! She's so good to me I mean very good to me. Sometime I look at myself in the mirror or my leg if I'm wearing shorts and I hate myself and she always holds me and says she love me. It's something I've never had before, well I've had violent ass lickings from an Gf but I've never felt like shit and a Gf told me they still love me and that wat I can and cannot do does not matter to her.... She makes me feel like a person and she talks to me and we discuss things together. Sometimes it really feels like were married. I can't wait to be with her forever...

Friday, April 16, 2010


So right now it's friday. So you know what that means KICK-ASS hit the
movies today and I know what you thinking why not see it now or today.
Well that's cuz I have an outstanding tradition of seeing movies with
Riku and Asuka J. And in by doing so I get to spend time with my
brother and I get to see a movie great huh!!! Asuka J is fun to be
around she too... She's really like a sister sorta glad Riku is with her... Maybe it's me but she is really cool X3 I mean come on she got
my some BROWNIES how could she not be... Anyway I'm going to finishs
what I'm doing try and sleep tonite Kira comes tomorrow and I may get
a new cane YAY!!!

Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Killing is my business and BUSINESS IS GOOD!!!!!

So im playing Splinter Cell and watching Major Payne... and i just realized wouldnt it be funny if there was a Major Payne game X3...
im joking...
either way... lately nothing has been able to bother me...
what could it be you ask?
is it the fact i has Cookies... No well maybe
Could it be i has Ice Cream... No wait maybe
Could it Be the Fact i ate 25 wings last nite... possibly
no it's the Fact Splinter Cell Convictions Came Wednesday from GameFly and everytime anything Pisses me off i take a head shot or a sticky grenade someone in the game and it makes me feel GOOOOOD!! even more so when it pretty much like Pissing on them.
i like this game and cant wait for P.O.P. Next Month!!!!!!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Free, Weekly DLC Announced For Splinter Cell: Conviction -

i did not in no way wrote this.. im just spreading this about the world and a fan of conviction... hopefully i get to play it today!

Do you dig the hell out of Splinter Cell: Conviction? Do you love free stuff? Do you love rhetorical questions? If so, then boy are you in luck, because Ubisoft has just announced that it plans to release free downloadable content for the newly released action-stealth title every Thursday. Cool, eh?

The content will range from new weapons and skills to new maps for the game’s Deniable Ops mode. Each week will bring something different, and, best of all, it will be free (for now at least -- I’d be surprised if Ubisoft didn’t eventually offer some more substantial priced DLC, but this will do for now).

This week’s item is the MP7A1 Machine Pistol, and here are the specs:
Free, Weekly DLC Announced For Splinter Cell: Conviction

Free, Weekly DLC Announced For Splinter Cell: Conviction -

Starcraft 2 beta-breakup Crazy Bitch Pt 3

So her is the third video and this one is just as funny!!!

this bitch pissed on the door and he chased her (tho now it seems like this is getting faker and faker)
Heres the link in case the vid is a bit small (had to so they'd fit)
Crazy Beta Key Bitch<===== Link(and not the one from Zelda X3)

Here again....*sigh*

So lately I feel like ppl are leaving me alone more often... It's not a good feeling, well except with my mom cuz she can be really bothersome... Either way hotaru is home and it's her week to do the dishes which I doubt she'll do so in turn when my week comes back I won't seeing that my mom did her Sunday and Monday today is now wednsday(<==?)and the sink is full. I see that she won't make her do it in the future so I'm going to continue to wash what I use untill this is corrected. Also the other day I over heard them both talking badly about me... Guess what it felt great so great in fact that decided to talk to Viper about it but he was busy and I ended up doing somethings that I shouldn't have. One of them beening 4chan... I was on it for like 5 mins and was Like this isn't fun at all anymore. But back to topic it's like really you dislike me not only as a person but also as you son that you talk badly about me to your 14 yr old. If I wanted blind and unreasonable abuse I'd stayed with my ex until she killed me(which during the week unless Kira comes over I'd prefer). I just think my mom regrets ever saying having me... I know it something I should say but it's what I think. Kira says in a year our life will be better and that I'll never have to deal with any of this anymore, I pray she's right I'm going to change my name and leave this place and when she dies I'm not going to be there unless Kira makes me. Riku and Asuka J thinks she's just a dumbass that loves talking badly about me... I mean it's true... Out of 3 kids alive and that speaks to her I'm the 2nd succesful I finished high school with NO KIDS with a licences in advertisment tho it wasn't the right "career" I her eyes... She doesn't listen to a damn thing I says to her... Example: back when I was younger we moved to mobile Albama and back to here. Mind you by the time I had made friends got a gf and showed up the teacher and beat up her sons, my mom moved up back here and I ended up getting really sick cuz I had contracted pneumonia. Which sucked but she didn't believe me and though I was lying I had it for damn near 4 days before she raised a finger to help me... Do you know what's it like to go to school and have to do p.e. With pneumonia!!?!?!?? It's like running and then being dragon kicked in the chest by someone in steel toe boots that's how it feels!!! My great grandma was so pissed with her(this was before she died and at the time my bestfriend) I figured I'd never get the love and support a normal mom gives to her son then... And I think that was the day I figured dying would be better than being in this family.... *sigh* and here we are again... Maybe Kira will visit me this week before the weekend and things will be get better. KIRA PLEASE COME OVER AND HUG ME I NEED IT.... o.O OvO(kewh<===CHOCOBO!!!)

Monday, April 12, 2010

Azumanga Daioh

so this is Azumanga Diaoh... which is a good a very good series... im writing this blog cuz my punk ass fucker relative Hotaku. Took my 1st edition to school and LOST it... like really what the FUCK!!!! My mother said she'd replace it which is a lie... Kira had to god i love her... thank you KIRA i love you

and heres to that son of a bitch Hotaru i'll never talk to you that book meant a lot to me and i hate you(yes ppl i know im a grown man but hey it was a 1st edition and it was $40 buck) you had no right taking it to school after i told you not to... so FUCK YOU!!!!!!!

Saturday, April 10, 2010


so remember the Crazy Starcraft 2 Beta Key girl well she's back with another video and this one is even worse!!!

looks like someone is going to jail... anyay links below if you want to Sub it(link)===>Crazy Starcraft 2 bitch pt

*UPDATE* this vid maybe fake im hoping it's not cuz this is too funny... heres what makes me think why....

Friday, April 9, 2010

Megaten Update



now this Vid is of a cat it reminds me of my own he does this to opens the door or to steals cookies from me... yes i have a cat that love cookies... Sweet huh X3

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Starcraft 2 beta-breakup Crazy Bitch WTF

so today like normal i woke up did some art tutorials and played some games and when my Tivo changed the channel to "Attack Of The Show" i saw this Vid, Wow a CRAZY BITCH!!! (<===Link X3). now as funny as that is it is fucked upped... i mean come on so the guy broke up with you so the guy cheated but did he steal your stuff or give you a incurable STD...  but this chick not only Hacked his email but CHANGED THE PASSWORD TOO!!! WTF!!! being cute has it's limit and it stops when your crazy!!! and being a bitch just makes you UGLY... wasnt pretty on you... either way tell me wats the worse thing an Ex has done to you....

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Child names

Konan: Little South
Ketsui: Forceful Decision

yea so far i like these names... so let me know what you think and names that you think are better...

Monday, April 5, 2010

Donnie Darko

Sometimes i feel like him... like there is some force pushing me to suffer at the oddest moments.... and with Kira not here i pretty much am alone i hate being alone... i spend all week alone and i get 2 days with her and then she leave.... and im alone again great. i wish i could tell someone to shove a book up there ass.... im tired of being like this im tired of being alone im tired of getting yelled at for stupid shit, and most of all im tired of for only 2 nights a week i dont cry cuz im alone... im tired of not being able to run or jump and MOST OF ALL IM TIRED OF NOT HAVING KIRA NEXT TO ME AT NITE..... i fucking hate my life....

that is all
I AM ZIM!!!!!!

i noticed in the movie Donnie Darko
Spencer on iCarly(Jerry Trainor)
Ashley Tisdale
was in this movie and Kids and they looked so geeky!!!


Heres the Boondock season 3 PREMIERE VIDEO
it is going to be the sweetest Boondocks season so far!!! more fighting cussing and Granddad the belt whip master!!!
and remember no snitchin !!!!

Music: "Exhibit C" - Jay Electronica

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Family... love... and a good set of headphones

okay now a lot of you know that im currently on bed rest... and what you dont know is that im stuck at my mothers house... and for the love of god i HATE it here... im seen half the time as the off brand child. verbally abused and yelled at when i do come out of my room.... see i have by biologically 5 siblings Ai, Kat, Big D, Soto and Kev... 3 of them are dead(Kat isnt dead i just dont give a fuck about her)... and i was adopted by Riku becuz i believe it cuz i have such a defective vindictive family that if i didnt have a big brother like him id kill myself and no one would miss me.... at least he would i know that.... my son of a bitch mother whoms NUMBER 1 rule was you better have gotten out of my house be for you start to have kids(which i dont have any kids some yea im not important thanks for the lesson mom).... Now Ai was the only one of this to follow this rule seeeing that she was the first one to have kids and had been moved out by then.... Kat on the other hand Has 5 kids which one my mother is raising and treats better than me her own son since the girl was born.... ever since Li and Hotaru was born i've been the Off brand child and she stop caring after that... my grades slipped i tried to O.D. and Kill myself At least 15 Different times before entering HIGH SCHOOL, but by then i had a friend Named Michelle who i would walk home with becuz i would often walk and stand(or Lay) in the street hoping i would get hit and die.... after middle school i entered high school and got a job so i wasnt home so much i still hated my life and would buy sleeping pills and try and O.D. off of them some how Riku would always call me and help me run away to his house... i never got to die thanks to him.... my mom so busy with my sisters kids and her romantic life she never bother to care so the affection that i never got from her i would often get from Ai... she doesnt Know that i love her so becuz of it(tho we use to fight alot she away kept her promises she never bullshited me and gave me false hope  honest aways honest). At this place in time Ai and Big D are the only Blood family i have( my mom to busy with getting her groove back).... Riku (soon to be the Only Brother i have) (that) wouldnt let me die... and at this point i didnt Know Kira i was a grade 10er in a school where i didnt fit in with a family that didnt care... my grade was slipping and i was constantly tryin to kill myself... at this point i became a cutter gettin into fight hoping a would be killed... painting and drawing thing that would get me sent to the office and my mother never showed up once... by Grade 11 my brother D had died(Murdered) and Ai had a family and i wasnt her priority like i use to... i really had no one to depend on and my mom was so busy trying to make someone else happy i didnt even matter... i was alone but Riku wouldnt let me kill myself.... it was then i started to get into music i would often drown myself in music so much to the point the world around me didnt exist(Riku would burn me Cds)... i was constantly listening to music and i eventually started listening to music from japan china koren and even Vietnam( but mostly Gorillaz X3)...... Riku Pushed me to make new friends and i Did... Tiff and Ngoc who back then i had huge crushes on( not now tho X3) Miranda and a few other became my friends... only one of them knew i had been a cutter and still was....she didnt say anything to be until a few years after but how couldnt she not know when she saw me shirtless...either way it continued on forever since then... i ran away after i met my ex and moved across country Ai didnt know and Riku either Emailed me or called everyday... but by then i had Met Kira.. and she would let me do anything to myself she ould forbid me to let myself get hurt... i just knew i loved her so i did so.... but i continued to hate my life so much and the only light was at the time my Ex Kira and Riku.... my ex started to beat me Violently for days and it stop once we moved back to where i am now but  it started up again and i upped up with some genetic form of bone cancer after she broke my jaw ribs and two of my fingers.... i started to block ppl out after that all but Kira and Riku... so unless you knew them i didnt care who you are.... i learned nothing blocks out ppl like a Ipod and a good set of headphones... and with a family and a home life like this i should be a crazy Serial Mask Murder by now... proof that listening to Eminem doesnt make you want to go and and kill ppl... 

God i hate this life....

Friday, April 2, 2010

YES!!!!!Galactic Empire State of Mind

Hilarious! "Galactic Empire State of Mind" video.Check it out

I'm Weak!!!!!!

So im all for Chris Rock and my best friend Viper is White... but i couldnt pass this up it was too funny.... Abdc was good so was Supernatural....
Bleach and Naruto are Back on track And im so happy that is is Ichigo's dad's a soul reaper and now ichigo knows that and is fightin Gin.. Naruto... they're gettin ready for war... i can't wait... CUZ KABUTO-MARU IS BACK AND IS DOING A 5 PPL UNDEAD SUMMON!!!
Getting Better already SWEET!!!!!