Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Viper and Song Update

So Viper and Song (Viper one of my Best Bros and Song the love of his life)
Both caved today... So Sweet...

 RandomMidgetDood: Yeah... I caved and told her that if it means anything that I still love her.
RandomMidgetDood (8:50:12 PM): she responded with "atashi mo"
Magari (8:50:13 PM): ....
Magari (8:50:28 PM): she loves you still
RandomMidgetDood (8:50:32 PM): yeah
Magari (8:50:39 PM): X3
Magari (8:51:07 PM): yay learning mandarin didnt hurt my japanese!

Bitter sweet love.... tho it means nothing it means alot at the same time... Viper doesnt think anything will happen... i just hope she's not playin with him...

Now Cassie Update 
                 ZombiiGutZDrank: XC which means i cant hang out cause i might have to go right now
(4:01:40 PM) ZombiiGutZDrank: holds on let me  see :C
(4:04:06 PM) ZombiiGutZDrank: yea they are calling me in now X[[[ lame sause
(4:04:46 PM) RandomMidgetDood: XDDD(4:04:59 PM) ZombiiGutZDrank: okies well im going to go ill text you later!!!
(4:05:08 PM) ZombiiGutZDrank: and we will hang out this week i swear to god!
(4:05:31 PM) RandomMidgetDood: I work tomorrow and friday XP(4:05:37 PM) ZombiiGutZDrank: <33 ! bye bye mr ill be on later ~
(4:05:44 PM) ZombiiGutZDrank: ill come hang out at your job lololol

So Cassie likes Viper And Song Still loves him and he loves her... What a Triangle of like and love. Viper figures he'll just continue on with Cassie, but what of Song what will happen when she say "FUCK YOU MOM AND DAD I WANT DICK!!!!!! AND I LOVE VIPER!!!!!!!" tho i dont understand why not date Viper he's pretty chill and his parents are To understanding And cool...

damn and then Liz almost forgot about her...
there's nothing.... 

Who Said Who To What Now?!?!?!?!?!

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Megten a strang journey and ABDC's Lil Mama

So if you don't know Atlus Released a new Megaten game(Megaten=Shin Megami Tensei) called A Strange Journey.
Now so far it's pretty sweet, build sorta like "Doom" as in the fact you go thru each world walking thru searching for items in you would in "Doom" and when you would reach a battle point it switches over sorta like in the First Megaten Game "Devil Surviver" (also SWEET!!)
Based of the type of person you are is how you character is like in all Megaten Games there's Law Neutral and Chaos. theres Also Neutral-Law and Neutral-Chaos.
either way you go thru trying to stop an demon invasion(way to keep a Storyline going atlus... tho it's why i like it...)
i'll update more when i finished it( FFXIII UpDate Made it to the end about 11 days ago and just stopped playing... doin side missions and getting final upgrades for ultimate weapons)

on to Lil' Mama

now we all no Lil' Mama she's a Rap artist(tho i ain't heard no new shit from her), and also a judge on Mtv's American Best Dance Crew... all i got to say is she look a DAMN FOOL!!!
that is all....

Also my friend Viper got me Addicted to Youtube! damn YOU VIPER!!! X3

Kira, Sherlock Holmes, and Shing02

so kira wanted me to write about us sexually in the blog, cuz she wants you bitches to know im taken... the only thing i could really say was NO ONE READS THIS KNOWS WHO WE ARE. but she was like Mine and it so cute so i had to...
so me and Kira like to have sex, but becuz she's joining the Military i get it once in awhile on the week days and everyday on the weekends.... weekends are my favorite...
anywhoooo sex with Kira is amazing she does this thing with her hips and tongue(X3 not all at the same time), that is neither here nor there....
so Kira and i Like having sex and as a girl that loves to Roleplay and loves foreplay it makes things so much more fun. it also makes it better that she doesnt get jealous. cuz i be like LOOK BOOBIES and she's like where???? again here nor there...
but either way i love having sex with her.... I"M ADDICTED TO IT X3.... and believe me one day we did it once for hours back to back....

now Movies
so i watched Sherlock Holmes for the first time.... and it was perfect X3 hope they come out with another one!!!!!!

so theres and artist Named Shing02 if you know anything he's a Japanese rapper and he did alot of work with Nujabes (rest in peace) the Samurai Champloo theme song "BattleCry". he made this song called "Love you like Water" if you been listening to my music player its up there here's a link Love You Like Water Dlc so you can Download it seeing how hard it is to find anything on him cuz he hasnt released anything oustside japan...

Either way i'm going to bed see you next time.... X3

Friday, March 26, 2010

Oh shit update

so like i said before i found an ex... and been about what a week or maybe two... guess what no comment  back... so you know what i say KIRA IS BETTER X3.... naw(tho she is) my ex turned into everything i hate in the type of girl she is now... good thing we broke up..

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Um Hello

so undead or alive... good movie wasnt expecting it to be that funny... sad the hot chick had to died tho... damn she was hot!!! Navi Rawat.... IS HOT

tell me wat you think???

Monday, March 22, 2010

guess wat racist joke of the day

poltically incorrect racist joke of the day... Kira dad asked me "what it mean to be an blasian??" "does that mean you like rice and watermelon??" i told him "no it means i like Waffles wrapped around Raw Fish and i like to wrap my chicken in seaweed before they're fried "

Sunday, March 21, 2010


Was a good movie.... Tho it had the most fucked up assed ending ever!!!! I mean damnedest fucked assed ending... Come on 20-30 mins of some shit thar didn't happen.... Other wise a good movie just a fucked upped ass ending.... Haven't seen a ending that bad since " STAY ALIVE"

Friday, March 19, 2010


So i found someone that was important to me back in middle school.
um thats it.... looks like she's doing good... i wrote her but im nervous of her answer... not like i want her just a good ex for once.....

Monday, March 15, 2010

Lost and found

so i had this crazy dream decided to write it down...

it starts with three ppl in a diner, standing over someone.
Eden, Adam, and Clair + the narrator
"so what are you sayin this house was full of smart mutha fuckas" as eden she wearing a cops uniform of the city. she has some scars on her arms and neck. black hair and blue eyes out side of the scars she is beautiful. the uniform is partly open and you can see and bit of the sex wear she's wearing.
"hey hey nothing going to happen we just happened to live there a long time ago and we want our stuff is all" Clair kisses the narrator cheek. Clair seemingly the balanced one that may keep you alive, she wears the uniform as if she is is and actually and is the one that normally talks to ppl first, before the enforcers do.
"can you get our shit or not You lil Punk?!?!?" Adam Points his gun at my face. Adam a young man mid 20s tattoos down his arms and blood all over his clothes. this is not the one to fuck with.
"yes..." i say wondering what the hell i've gotten myself in to... all i know is my whole family is about to die... all this over some soup...

5 hours earlier....
the thomas residents home.
majority of our was homeless a while ago... well that was until my grandma took us in. Big mama Eity (we secretly Deity cause nothing slips by her). she was older white woman that somehow was our grandma... i use to wonder how old she was???
there was four of us, 7 if you counted her, her recently widowed daughter and her daughter.
Tim, John, George, and micky is our names, and Big mama Eity. her daughter Carla and Emily Lynn stayed in the room above our. eity stayed on the first floor.

so it's now 12:30pm and we've just got home. for some odd reason school let out early.
" yo B i heard a truck full of some crazy fuckers is in town!!" Micky says jumping around George they are twins and the youngest, tho george doesnt talk much.
"thats what i heard too, the teacher was talking about it near the art room right before we was left out" Tim go. tim was the oldest he usually is the one to keep us all safe.
"well maybe we should get home now... thinks could get could get bad guys...." john cuts everyone off as he pushes up his glasses his two fingers.

we rush home and do our chores.
for some reason Eity asked us to clean, and then bomb the closet up in the attic. i just stared at her... the 3 yrs we've lived her she told us to never go into the attic for anything, mostly cause they're spiders that can kill us up there. we never knew what she did or does when we're gone, and carla sticks to her room we're not suppose to bother her.

it's too out for anything to be up there, well not awake anyway.
"god it's Dirty up here" tim says covering his mouth
George looks over a micky and nods
John" what the hell is up with this attic, its dirty as fuck and we've been her for 3 yrs and nothing like this..."
storming up the stairs
"i don't care can we get this over with quickly" yells emily Lynn and then clinging to George" why did grandma want me to do this???"
" get off me " micky pushes emily away " lets just get this done bomb this place and go to homework"
we do so and leave nothing.
there was a boom outside... not to far but still pretty close.
it's now 3:30
and eity as john and tim to go pick up something's from the store.
4:50 just tim comes back, and he's screamin about some cops took john. that there asking about some drugs. no one knows anything.
Meanwhile John is holded up in the frozen food section fight for his life, eden toying with him. slowly cutting him.
back at the house.... one of us had drugs and they wanted them. god knows whats happening to our brother.

What should we do?

To Be continued....

Pipe Dreams

Difintion: A pipe dream is a fantastic hope or plan that is generally regarded as being nearly impossible to achieve.

now i know you didnt come here to learn something but hey if your going to read might as well learn something.

so whats your pipe dream?
X3 not really a blog i guess but if even one person leaves a comment and tells me theirs i'll post a blog on whats mine

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Fuckin Gaia

Kira been here since Friday and I know she's sick but damn you spend more time play Gaia than with me.... Usually our sex life is a bit more....let's just say only once during the weekend isn't what we normally do... And god it's killing me... Cuz next week is her time of the month... And believe me she's going to beg until I do...
And that is just EWWWWWW for me a bit I love her so it normally it doesn't but sometimes it does I don't like to during here time of the month but I know I going to have to.... Just great that in out last 1h 30 mins instead of atleast cuddling your going to play Gaia ....

Away later

X3 sorry guys

Hey sorry i havent been here... Kira spends her time with me on the weekends so i may not post until Sunday X3!!!
Kira has been sick(im taking care of her!!!! X3).... Liz an Annoying little bitch... i think i gave her hope with me and Kira story them again we're sorta a special case....
so far other side of taking care of Kira i've been playing FFXIII which is really good.... i've been playing since the 10th and im on disc 2 chapter 9 just hitting 20 hours.....
Viper is gone for a week so i'll pretty much be alone until the weekend... i guess i can play this and Pokemon S.S. until then...
Besides watching what i like about you and one on one is starting to have side effects(dont ask).
and the place where i worked is closing soon... i dont know when but i want one of those tvs!!!

um nothing to report outside of that.....
Anime and manga news
finish peace maker... ENDING WAS LAME!!!! anime was good... just ending had unresolved issues.
Naruto's latest chapt was Okay... there hasnt been really any fighting just a bunch of dodging and talking as of late... this is dragonball z you cant get away with that....
Bleach..... BACK ON TRACK!!!! i dont need to say much of anything about it just ichigo gettin to fight again...

Oh And My Little Bro Turned 16 Saturday Awesome Huh??? im so proud of him....
other than that...
watch JumbaFund and other funny vids on youtube like "COCKBLOCKIN"
Season 3 of Boondocks coming soon and
with this i and done....
And we like robot!

Thursday, March 11, 2010


So today Viper let me talk to a lady friend of his.... it didnt go as planned....
this MOFO can talk and she gave me her number after just meeting me wtf!!!

Magari (11:19:44 PM): HELLO X3
lIz311 (11:20:09 PM): Who you be?
Magari (11:20:58 PM): umm.... i be Magari!!! Do i have to answer your questions 3???
lIz311 (11:21:25 PM): Yep. IDK yes.
Magari (11:21:58 PM): what be the question three???
lIz311 (11:22:25 PM): Who said I had a third question?
Magari (11:22:50 PM): it was a joke nvm
lIz311 (11:23:06 PM): Mkay.
Magari (11:23:29 PM): so how are you today X3
lIz311 (11:24:05 PM): Does it matter?
lIz311 (11:24:12 PM): Who are you?
Magari (11:24:22 PM): well yes i do like to make friends
Magari (11:24:31 PM): see thats 2
lIz311 (11:24:37 PM): Well, I don't know you..
Magari (11:24:42 PM): one more and thats 3
lIz311 (11:24:44 PM): so I can leave now. Later.
Magari (11:24:52 PM): you know viper right
Magari (11:25:29 PM): ....oh and here i thought you wanted the heart of the short prince...
lIz311 (11:25:59 PM): Hmmm?
Magari (11:26:29 PM): your a friend of viper right
lIz311 (11:26:34 PM): I know a few Viper.
Magari (11:26:47 PM): randommidgetdude
lIz311 (11:27:28 PM): Yeah. Viper and I are pretty cool.
Magari (11:27:46 PM): yea well im a friend of his...
Magari (11:27:58 PM): i got pretty bored and wanted to talk
lIz311 (11:28:01 PM): Oh. Hi.
Magari (11:28:12 PM): HELLO
lIz311 (11:28:14 PM): Sorry I was mean...I'm a bit peeved atm.
lIz311 (11:28:17 PM): Hiii.
Magari (11:28:22 PM): it's okay
lIz311 (11:28:26 PM): What did he tell you?
lIz311 (11:28:29 PM): That I said?
Magari (11:28:37 PM): nothing really
Magari (11:28:45 PM): just you to are friends
lIz311 (11:28:53 PM): He said that he passed on something that I said...
lIz311 (11:29:00 PM): Yeah, we are friends.
Magari (11:29:18 PM): maybe he meant your addy??
Magari (11:29:21 PM): X3
lIz311 (11:29:30 PM): RandomMidgetdude (11:26:42 PM): I was talking to a friend of mine, and I copy and pasted something you said.
Magari (11:29:58 PM): hmm. maybe he did i dont remember tho
Magari (11:30:17 PM): either way...
Magari (11:30:23 PM): HI im Magari
lIz311 (11:30:25 PM): Yeah.
lIz311 (11:30:29 PM): I'm LIz.
Magari (11:31:05 PM): how are you today??
lIz311 (11:31:17 PM): Honestly. eh.
lIz311 (11:31:20 PM): You?
Magari (11:31:56 PM): well i got my FFXIII today... so a little Stoked
lIz311 (11:32:08 PM): That's awesome.
Magari (11:32:28 PM): so why is your day eh
Magari (11:36:12 PM): HELLO??? you there
Magari (11:37:25 PM): Hello???
lIz311 (11:40:17 PM): Sorry dude, but I'm in a shit mood atm. I'll ttys.
Magari (11:40:27 PM): no
Magari (11:40:35 PM): i just made a new friend
Magari (11:40:44 PM): how about i cheer you up
lIz311 (11:41:17 PM): Yeah, but I really don't wanna talk to any one. Not to be mean, but I just can't....uhm...there's no one that can make me feel better...thanks.
Magari (11:41:40 PM): X(
Magari (11:41:46 PM): No fun
lIz311 (11:42:04 PM): Sorry.
Magari (11:42:10 PM): and to think i was going to offer to help you get viper....
Magari (11:42:33 PM): anywhooooo BYE!!!
lIz311 (11:42:58 PM): There's no way. He doesn't like me like at all.
Magari (11:43:27 PM): well...
Magari (11:43:35 PM): honestly???
lIz311 (11:43:43 PM): Yep.
Magari (11:44:06 PM): hun i was told that your kinda forceful...
lIz311 (11:44:17 PM): It was a mistake...BIG one.
lIz3111 (11:44:24 PM): I know, he told me this already.
Magari X (11:44:33 PM): well did you listen
lIz311 (11:44:47 PM): I still like him...and I can't help that...
Magari (11:44:57 PM): maybe it wouldnt have it gave him a little space
lIz311 (11:45:06 PM): I've given up though. I just want friends.
Magari (11:45:12 PM): aww everyone likes viPer
lIz311 (11:45:25 PM): Haha, I've liked him since I met him 4 years ago.
Magari (11:47:05 PM): well between us... maybe if you take things one step at a time and show it down find out what he likes in girls.. u'd have a shot
Magari (11:47:18 PM): im not saying not be you
lIz311 (11:47:28 PM): I don't have a shot. He's already expressed that I'm not his type.
lIz311 (11:47:33 PM): Are you in America??
MagariX (11:47:37 PM): but forcin it aint the way
Magari (11:47:51 PM): yes
Magari (11:47:54 PM): why
lIz311 (11:47:58 PM): I've given up, dude. My heart's so hurt.
lIz311 (11:48:09 PM): Gimme a call some time like 1ish EST.
lIz311 (11:48:17 PM): I have a lot of HW.
Magari (11:48:23 PM): a call?
Magari (11:48:30 PM): confused???
lIz311 (11:48:31 PM): ...but I never have a shot with him.
lIz311 (11:48:35 PM): mee a call*
Magari (11:48:43 PM): call you how??
lIz311 (11:48:53 PM): Nvmmmm.
Magari (11:49:18 PM): im saying i dont have your number so how would i???
lIz311 (11:49:35 PM): (***)***-****.
lIz311 (11:50:05 PM): He doesn't like me.
Magari (11:50:07 PM): um okay....
lIz311 (11:50:10 PM): I know this.
Magari (11:50:20 PM): if he doesnt someone else will okay
(god this bitch can talk!!!!!!!)
by now since i have to edit i gave up but keep watching ...
for this will be continued!!!!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Lets talk about music, games and anime

So i recently added a music player on the Blog. i did so so you can hear a piece of me while you read.(what am i sayin No one reads this X3 thanks Viper)

So im a huge music fan and i listen to all kinds. and out of all my favortites there is 2 groups that stands out.

Gorillaz(Plastic Beach)
Shing02(Love you like water)
Songs by these artist can be heard on the playlist.

so i started writing this blog cuz ppl say what you listen to is what makes you who you are. X3 well i guess im different huh?? Extremely i bet. My brother Riku is the same tho but at one point of our lives he hated the fact i didnt like "NIGGER MUSIC". well i got you beat bro you like Rap and Avril Lavigne(i hate her such a Poser). i cant really talk i like Taylor Swift's Love Story and Boys like Girls 2 is better than 1.

But a group that i feel lost itself cuz of a new member has really stepped up with their last album. that group is the black eye peas i feel that way mostly cuz im use to their older stuff seems like they went commercial when fergie joined. but the E.n.d. feels like the older stuff a bit.... but is it me or does Taboo dressing more and more like Michael Jackson???

on to games

so this gaming Quarter i picked up a few games most of which lived up to the hype. but one i cant wait to get my hand on is FINAL FANASY XIII. im a huge Rpg gamer and i follow Atlus* like many of it's cult members(*INFO*Atlus Produced many rpgs that have underground followings and some are bigger than most Final Fantasy Following Like is Persona, Digital Devil Saga and Nocturne). sadly their last game Devil Knight i think for the Ps3... um im not a Vulcan so i really couldnt get into it but they are doing good things on the Ds... they created a game that rivals Sq-enix "the world ends with you". it's Called "Devil Surviver" Basically your the new Messiah(theres a line in the game "what like Jesus!?!?!?" had me weak!!) after killing a demon that was in the running to become the new leader of hell(the Bels). Good game i say worth the buy.
~back to FFXII~
so i'll get FFXIII and i heard so far its going to be 3 DISC long for 360!!! God i cant wait seeing that i have a rep for beating games in less than 48 hours(record time 34 hours and 48 mins 100% for KH2)this one well be no different X3.
Story is suppose to be Great and gameplay looks smooth. i doubt it wont get game of the year.


So recently me and Kira Started watchin Anime On Hulu. (tho we bought one of them) and so id like to thank HULU. Cuz Tokyo Majin is worth the visit and they have quite the good Anime Playlist. Like Shin-chan and Samurai Champloo. i say Watch Tokyo Majin, it has Demon, Ninja, Huge Fight Scenes, and Martial Arts. i give it an 10 only cuz it that good. Not Samurai Champloo good but it is Damn GOOD!!!

next is the one we bought PeaceMaker animation by Gonzo, story by Hiroshi Yamaguchi(Evangelion) basically it's about a kid that wants Revenge, and joins the Shinsengumi. but come to find out they are just as bad as the ppl that killed his parents....(well thats suckage)
So Basically Expect Tōshirō Hitsugaya in anime where the worlds of Samurai Champloo meet Samurai X smash into each other... either way it's good so far i Warrant a chance wont say anything untill i finish it....

Oh AND WATCH BLACK CAT!!!!!!!! VERY GOOD(oh and if your into manga Check out ONEMANGA.COM they Carry alot of manga)

other than that i'll see you later when i can think of something else to write about, or when i finish FFXIII X3

A Viper's Song

So this one is for My Super Geek Friend Viper...
Viper Is 5'4 and 100 Lbs, so he's smaller than your average bear, but Smart as HELL!!!( and talented from a blog i read about him recently... i didnt want to know that about him tho... but it's good for you girls Right???)

see Viper Is in love with this one girl Song, yet Song doesnt want to be with him... sad huh??? Hell yea it is!!!

i personally think Viper can find someone better. so ive decided to help Viper find someone new!!! a KICK-ASS GEEKY GIRL that is CUTE can't forget CUTE!!!
the thing is Viper doesnt really want to move on but knows he doesnt really have a choice cuz she may never come back Due to her parents.(parents SUCK i almost dont want to be one..)

so Viper is meeting girls and he cant stop comparing them to Song... well there is 2(update: 3) he doesnt do it with but he continues to look just in case it goes south.

see the think about Viper is that he is mad awesomely cool and im pretty sure aslong as he knew you and youd fit it he give you a shirt. so since me and viper talk alot i hate to see him this way the Dude is family so i pisses me off a bit thats she's hurt him like this...(DAMN YOU SONG!!!)

Come on at one point she wouldnt talk to him, and now that they are im not sure he'd should move on and date out of fear of hen she finds out(if its another Asian yes Viper Dates Asians it's something we have in common X3) that she be in her room freaking out yelling and throwing shit all over the place maybe kill using in a summoning ritual some poor animal(or person)to hunt him down and take his penis(oh yea i have a degree in demonology X3).

Oh and then theres Aoi. Kira's Sister so my kid sis and she asked about Viper... nothing confirmed but he is willing to meet her. She Love ZELDA so whats not to like X3. she's mad cool and is a Major Dork sometimes.(Hey Song, Aoi is Asian might want to worry if you want Viper Back)Me and Aoi get along well seeing that we like the same stuff.(like me and Kira: update Not mad she Called me Im HAPPY!!!)

so as i see it Viper needs to date and maybe Work out with Cassie a bit, she if Ami Breaks up with the Wanna Be. maybe a Birthday with Aoi????

Either way he going to have to pick.. cant just string them all along...
Song, Ami, Aoi, Or Cassie
what do you think??

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

a little upset

okay im a little upset... so today is the 9th and everyone knows it's Final Fantasy XIII Release today... Okay Forget that it has nothing to do with this...
Kira had been texting me since i woke up telling me she can't wait to get here and Rp with me... (yea i know a little kinky but so the hell what to Pretend it was before our relationship when we would sneak off and do things with each other... we know it was wrong but so what...) so today she wanted to Rp and she got me already for it texting things to me and setting up the mood and what not, and then BAM!!!!!
"this is taking forever Baby Im Going HOME"
WTF what kind of shit is that you get me all hornied up and leave me high and dry.... it's not even about the game its the fact you spent all this time telling me what you want to do to me....
so all i can do is brush it off.. hell im crippled i can't drive to her so we're fucked(and not the kind i want at the moment)
so after her "trying" to make it better i tell her
"it's W/e im going to sleep"
She Hasnt texted me since... that was at 4:30... IT'S ALMOST 9:20 NOW!!!!
REALLY???? thats mad fucked upped so im just going to actually gt (back to sleep i woke up to write this) sleep and leave her alone....
and today started to be a good day... i question that now.....

Um Hello

So Hello Im Magari
I'm 24 Male i live in Seattle,
Wa And Norfolk, Va And I'm A Bit Different. im different always have been. First off im Blasian which Means Im A By Product of A Black And Asian Couples, how i am or what types shouldnt matter. second i pretty much dont fit in any where with most black people, i dont fit in with some asians X3 My best Friend is tho lets call her Kira. well i should say more than that cuz we've recently got engaged. Third im a Ug Kid which means as much as i tried back in high school i never fit in with trends Cuz i was way to into Art Anime Tricking Martial Arts And Vid Games, instead of being about getting "bitches" being seen Staying Fly and Not Dating Girls that arent Black. im way into Hiphop(which is not RAP) J-Music Breakin art Computers anime.( sorry but why should i chase after them when they wouldnt give me the time of day and they annoy the hell of me half the time. make god friends just cant date them)

Um I
dont Claim My Parents, I cant Stand my Mom Nor can She Me, and my Dad is a Dick either could die and it wouldnt phase me. At One Point I Was Considered as an Orphan, and went to school did okay. X3 My Mom Kimoka talks down to me pretty much when every she cans, and tries to push me into a Box that doesnt fit who i am. (she does this knowin my life and sets me up for failure in my eyes.) she complains and bitches about how i do thing who i date and so on and what not. as her son biologically and not step son or adopted and out of 5 im the only one that isnt dead and doesnt have kids. my sisters both have kids before they're 20 and yet she looks down on me. she takes care one one of their kids and treats her as her own so im expendable in her eyes.... (thanks Mom ya Douche)

i have a big sibling family
my Bio Brothers Are Dead one was Murdered the other died due to sickness.
im not going to get into that today
my Bio Sisters
Ai Is Great she has 3 kids two of which i consider brothers.
Kat, i
dont like so much....
Riku He Adopted me when i was an Orphan and his Mom and stepdad treat me like one of them. he's engaged to a Miss Asuka J(A.j.)... The COOLIST Big Sis Ever.
Soto Is my Twin same as me
Kimoka doesnt really care for us and he doesnt come around much or ever he hates them and they hate him.
Arg to many to note so i'll note them as i go. X3

So the main reason i started is
Cuz A.J. thinks i should get my feelings out about my life dreams, goals and such.
So Right Now i Feel Trapped and moving no where in life. I Had Cancer and had to have it removed from my body which in turn crippled me and made a shell of who i use to be. and right now
im still healing. walking is a problem for me sorta.
theres a ray of hope.
Kira she's so good to
me and gentle. i could never vent to her like i do up here cuz she's so innocent it would make her cry but after 6yrs of us being more than friends to being a couple thanks to my friend Viper. Kira IS PERFECT. X3
i really shouldnt have to vent, but things piss me off so much.
like my ex
Sayu... she Violently and mentally Beat me for over a year and sometimes i think about her i know i shouldnt but it kills me to not know Sayu was my bestfriend since i was 3 and she was 2 my stepdad Saito and her dad Law was Bestfriends so we became bestfriend.... end results she beat my ass like i was a donkey and off to the hospital we go and i have cancer due to not eating enough and the abuse... i stayed becuz i cared and after 2 dozen broken ribs(not all at once) 3 fingers and my nose... it just ended way to badly for what origins we had.... she made me give up all my friends and treated me like im shit but she was loving at times... i dont hate her i just can't look at her sometimes and not hurt... the things she's done, lie cheat, steal and most of all Beat... and at the sametime made it look as if i was doing it...

thats a piece of me... Magari... if you want to know more leave a comment.
i'll try and update each day but if not i know i will every Thursday.
i'm here so talk Games Movies Art life and Advice... im here to help both you and me. X3